Malum Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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To the eastern edge of Karo is a savage untamed land. Malum is the general name for the unexplored eastern region dominated by the monstrous races. Many years ago it stretched over most of the eastern coastline and deep into the continent. It was a chaotic and dangerous region with the ever moving tribes and raiding groups of lizard folk, goblins, orc, and kobold making any settlement attempt doomed to fail. Over the years multiple small expeditions were launched to secure small chunks of land for proper settlement. However with most of these expedition failing terrible, the region was deemed largely useless. That all changed with the formation of Stratos. The extremely militaristic state saw Malum as a prime target for colonisation and as way to keep their large armies sharp and well trained. Stratos conquered much of their current land from malum; wiping out large numbers of the tribal people who once inhabited the land. When the borders settled about 20 years ago the Malum region had been pushed back to the dense jungle region. Now the jungles of Malum are largely proving ground for the Stratos forces. Aswell as one of the few refuges for tribes of the mosterous races.
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations

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