Meon Ttang Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Meon Ttang

Meon Ttang is a very oppresive and destitute land. The Akuma Empire conqured the region during the Great Shattering along with large portions of Karo. However Meon Ttang was the only land they could hold onto by then end of the Blood wars. They now keep an iron grip on the land with a large military presence and a wall surronding the area. All foreigner are banned from entering and all civilians are banned from leaving. Meon Ttang is also hated by all the surrounding lands in Karo as the memories of the Blood wars are still fresh. Meon Ttang is ruled over by Daimyo Hideki Sugiyama and the Akuma Army.


Meon Ttang is under the full control of the Akuma Army. It is lead by Daimyo Hideki Sugiyama who rules from the capital with the help of the Akuma Army forces


Meon Ttang is a land of fear and oppresion, thus its people have learned to survive in this harsh environment by being as silent and invisible as possible. They also have a deep family culture with great respect for their elders.

Public Agenda

Meon Ttang is both a colony where The Akuma empire exstracts as much reasorces as possible and a beach head for Akuma control on Karo.


Meon ttang use to be a cluster of gnome settlement that were rebelling against the Crown during the Great shattering. The Akuma empire striked quick and deep killing or deporting the gnomes then taking the land for their empire. The Akuma empire used the land as a beach-head to to push deeper into Karo. This started the Blood Wars which were a series of bloody wars between Akuma and the regional powers of Karo. After many years of relentless fighting, The Akuma army had begun to be pushed back and were lossing on all sides. With their backs to the sea, Akuma fortified their last bits of Karo still under their control. Akuma make a suicidal last stand at the Battle of Perdita. This battle was a surprize Akuma victory and cemented the Meon Ttang region under their control. But even with this victory Akuma saw they could not turn the overall tide of the war and settled for peace. They then sent many undesirable to settle Meon Ttang and used them to extract as much reasorces from the land as they could.
Geopolitical, Colony
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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