Remotus Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Remotus is the most hostile and unforgiving wilderness in all of Karo. This forest region is home to many exotic and dangerous species of beast, monsters and various abominations. The forest is home to the Outlanders, a series of nomadic people who decend from survivers of the failed colonisation attempts in the region. Remotus's only remnants of civilization are the ruins of Fero, which some outlanders use as a trading post when they are in the area and a lone road to connect Free port to Sanctus.


The small nomatic that live in remotus have limited contact wiith one another and dont have any form of government beyond the tribes themsleves.


The people of remotus are survivers above all else. They respect strength, hunting prowess and cunning. All other skills bring weakness and weakness beings death. They are wary of outsiders who have not proven themselves to the tribe. They greatly dislike cities as to them they breed weakness and leave city dwellers without the tools to survive in the wilds.

Public Agenda

they have no united plan or agenda it is all up to each tribe.


They have large amounts of furs, meats and exotic goods only found deep in the wilderness.


There have been many recorded attempts to found a permanent settlement, however all appemts have failed. Though the region is rich in reasorces the wildlife proves too be for too aggresive and ravenous for any settlement. Most settlements are overrun within a few years with very few survivor. Interestingly, there is a decent number of small tribes made up from the survivors from the many failed settlements. These people are know as Outlanders and have made a home for themselves in this harsh land. They will occasionally trade with outsiders for some reasorces but for the most part they have little contact with the outside world.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Alternative Names
Outlands, wilds

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