Saval Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Saval is a land of scholars, intellectuals and thinkers. It is ruled by the Board of Saval which only allows the most intellectual men and women within its ranks. Saval is famous for its university which is seen as the best in the land.


Saval is ruled by the Board of Saval which is made up of the most intelligent members of their society. One must pass multible test of intelligence, creatvity, and ingenuity to become a Boardmember. The boardmembers are then assigned different roles in governance by the Inteligente. The Inteligente is made up of the 10 most intelligent among the Boardmembers. The Inteligente are hand selected by the other members when a space has opened.


Saval has a very itelligence based culture. The smarter one is the more respected they tend to be. Boardmembers have a even higher status is society with the Inteligente being on top.

Public Agenda

Saval seeks to exspand their knowledge at any cost.


Saval contains the most gifted scholars, wizards, and artificers in all the land.


It was formed during the Great Shattering when the students of the universty joined other provences in rebelling against the kings authority. When successful the students created what they called the first Enlightened State. A state ruled solely by the most intelligent members or society. Since its founding its been content to sit back and stay out of the politics of Karo.
Ruling Organization
Government System

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