Servorum Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Servorum is the most chaotic and unruly land in all of Karo. Servorum is a series of interconnected forts dug into a mountian range inhabited by banits and neerdowells. Servorum is ruled only by a code Take what you want, Do what you want, and kill anyone who tired to take Servorum from us. As a result its an anachistic land loosly controlled by various bandit clans.


The bandit clans have an agreement with one another to kill any outside forces that attemt to invade them, aside from that the land lives in total anarchy.


The people of Servorum believe in survival of the fittest and might makes right. From a young age most will join a crime gang or banit clan to get by.

Public Agenda

Servorum is far too chotic for any plans or agendas aside from survive.


The forts of Servorum were made during the Great Splintering and Blood Wars. It shifted hands multible times and was the place of many bloody battles until the wars end. After the War, Servorum was left abandoned due to a high cost of upkeep and logistical support. After a few years various bandits groups and criminals gangs moved in to hid from authories and take shelter during winter. The surrounding powers would then clean out the forts with military force once the bandits and criminals became too numerous. Things changed after the fall of the Great Nortic Empire, which lead to many nords without a nation. Many turned to banditry and inhabited the forts alongside the other villians. The surrounding powers tried to clear the forts out they ran into extreme resistance. After a month of not being able to clear out the forts, the powers decided it was not worth spending so much manpower to just liberate some useless forts. Thus Servorum was born.
Geopolitical, Barony

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