The Great Forest Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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The Great Forest

The Great Forest is the one constant in the ever changing land of Karo. Through wars, natural disasters, and many attempts at conquest the forest has stood strong. Inside the is protected by an ancient circle of druids who use fear, confusion, misdirection, and violence to protect their home. The druids rarely let outsiders deep into their sacred forest. The younger druids are allowed to venture out into the world to gain knowledge and wisdom. However if the druid wishs to return home they prove themselves worthy of the forest.


The Great Forest is lead by a circle of great elder druids.


Little is know about the Druids aside from thier love of nature and the forest. They do seem to have great respect for the trees of the forest as they belive a protective spirit resides within them.

Public Agenda

The Great Forest has always been neutral and has no intrest in the outside world


The Great forest is said to be older than the oldest civilizations of man, elvin or dwarven kind. In legends it is said to predate the oldest druid orders and in some stories be the origin of many Druid orders.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Sacred Forest
Training Level
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Legislative Body
The High Priestess decides the laws of the land.
Judicial Body
The elder counsel decides the fate of lawbreakers

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