Ursa Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Ursa is a land of duality. While most of Ursa is untamed wilderness, rural villages and small towns just under the rock is a Gigantic dwarven city fortress. The city fortress of Ravus is so large the city center breaches the surface and form a small above ground city. The surface of Ursa is inhabited by mostly dwarves but all races are welcome to the land. However only dwarves and a select few outsiders are allowed to venture into the underground city fortress. The Mountain Dwarves mostly live in the underground city while the hill dwarves lives in small above ground villages spread all around Ursa.


Ursa is ruled by the dwarf king orin Orebreard and his court of nobles


Ursa has two distinct cultures one for above ground and one for below. Above ground the people tend to be relaxed simple folk who valve family, traditions and an Honest days work. Below ground the people tend to more fast paced and aggressive. They value riches, power, and great leaps forward for Ursa.
Geopolitical, Country

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