Villam Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Villam is a peaceful and quiet bread basket of Karo. It acts as a buffer state between Sanctus, Free Port, and the Noble confederacy and all 3 powers have an agreement to protect Villam and the Villam Counsel.


Villam is ruled by the Villam counsel which is made up of groups loyal to the 3 powers. As a result it is very dysfunctional and most people rely on their local mayors for day to today to govern.


Villiam is very quiet and slow pace and the people reflect that. They enjoy their peace and quiet and will avoid conflict when possible.


During the Blood Wars, Villam was turned into a 4-way battlefield between Akuma, Sanctus, Free Port, and the Noble confederacy. This lead to a famine which almost crippled the Karo powers. Sanctus, Free Port, and the Noble confederacy came to an agreement to make Villem a neutral land with all 3 picking the councel members.
Geopolitical, Town Council
Ruling Organization

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