Yggdrasil Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Yggdrasil is one of the two nortic kingdoms to the north of Karo. Yggdrasil is famous for its herbs and alchemical ingredients. Their ingredients are the most potent and of highest quality in the land. Its also know for the iron grip King Æbletræ has over the land. The king has banned all exporting of these ingredients to foreign lands and has the tight securtiy around its ports and borders. As a result of both, Yggdrasil also has the best smugglers of the land who risk it all to make a massive wealthy from selling herbs and ingredients.


Yggdrasil is ruled under the Jarl system. The king chooses Jarls to rule over a province usually from a powerful family clan in the area. That jarl then rules the province with almost full control only having to answer the king directly. The king also has the ability to transfer titles and provinces from one jarl to another at any time. As a result the jarls fight among eachother for the kings favor and none are able to become powerful enough to challenge the king. The kingdom currently has 7 jarls ruling different provinces of yggdrasil.


The country follows the traditional nortic values but has abandoned the old ritual and practices. Clanship is the main tenet of yggdrasil culture. Those tied to a less clan are stuck in serfdom but if one can be accepted by a greater clan then they can find themselves thrust into the upper echelons of society. These clans all fight over the kings favor as the king can elevate a clan that he favors to great heights or destroy any clan tha displeases him. The common folk distrust and dislike the nobility as do the nobility distrust and dislike the common folk. Both groups have great respect for the King as he is seen as a great leader who will unit the nord once more.

Public Agenda

Yggdrasil has been building up internal strength and stability for the last few decades along with closing itsself off from outsiders. Though there are whispers that they may soon go to war with Østergård in hopes of uniting the nords under one great empire once again.


strong army, great alchemist, fish, whales, herb farms, potion ingredients, and potions


It descends from the Great Nortic Empire which dominated the north after the Great Shattering. Following the death of Great King Erik the Conqueror, Uniter of the Nords and ruler of the Great Nortic Empire, his kingdom was split into to two new Kingdoms Yggdrasil and Østergård. Each kingdom was then given to one of his twin sons to rule. Both sons were unhappy with this arangement leading to a series of unending wars between the to kingdoms that weakened both kingdoms and saw them lose most of thier southern territory.   10 years ago Yggdrasil had suffered a massive peasants uprising. It was a bloody rebellion over the high taxes being levied on the common folk. The war was sparked by a group of noble knights who raided a town that had spoken out against the high taxes. This angered the surrounding settlements who took arms against the nobility. The uprising lasted for 2 month before the kings forces intervened. The king had the Jarl in charge executed and his clan disbanded. He also promoted a lesser clan that took part in the uprising and chose a jarl from that clan to rule. This cemented the kings authority and resulted in a weaker nobility.

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Geopolitical, Kingdom
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