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Angels of Arinini

Mythology & Lore

The Angles of Arinini is a religion followed by the Obsidril people, which centers around the worship of a powerful deity known as Arinini. Arinini is a god of darkness, chaos, and the unknown, and is said to wield immense power over the forces of the universe. According to the mythology of the Angles of Arinini, the world was created when Arinini emerged from the void and used his power to shape the universe. He created the stars and planets, and imbued them with the spark of life. However, Arinini was not satisfied with simply creating the world - he also sought to control it. Arinini created a race of beings known as the Obsidril, whom he imbued with his own powers of darkness and chaos. The Obsidril were his chosen people, and he tasked them with ruling over the world and bending it to their will. In return, Arinini promised to grant them immense power and knowledge, allowing them to achieve great feats of magic and technology.

Tenets of Faith

  • Arinini is the one true god, and all other gods are false idols.
  • Darkness and chaos are sacred, and are to be revered and embraced.
  • The Obsidril people are the chosen ones of Arinini, and have been granted the power to rule over the world.
  • The pursuit of power and knowledge is a worthy endeavor, and should be prioritized above all else.
  • Magic and technology are both gifts from Arinini, and should be used to further the goals of the Obsidril people.
  • The weak and vulnerable are to be exploited for the benefit of the strong and powerful.
  • Loyalty to the Dominion is paramount, and any act of treason or rebellion is a grave sin.
  • Death is not to be feared, as it is merely a passage to the next phase of existence.
  • The afterlife is a realm of darkness and chaos, ruled over by Arinini himself.
  • The ultimate goal of the Obsidril people is to achieve total domination over the world, using their powers of darkness and chaos to bend it to their will.


  • Offerings: One of the primary ways in which followers of the Angles of Arinini worship their deity is by making offerings to him. These offerings may take the form of sacrifices, such as animals or other living beings, or they may consist of more symbolic offerings, such as precious gems or rare artifacts.
  • Ceremonies: The Angles of Arinini religion has a number of highly structured and elaborate ceremonies that are performed on a regular basis. These may include rituals to honor specific aspects of Arinini's power, such as his control over lightning or psionics, or ceremonies to mark important events in the Dominion's history.
  • Meditation: Followers of the faith may also engage in deep meditation and contemplation as a form of worship. By focusing their minds on Arinini and his teachings, they seek to gain greater insight into the nature of reality and the workings of the universe.
  • Prayer: Prayer is another important aspect of worship in the Angles of Arinini faith. Followers may offer prayers to Arinini asking for guidance, protection, or blessings, or they may offer prayers of thanksgiving and gratitude for the gifts that they have received.
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations
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