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Basic Information


  • Body Structure: The Apex creature has a sinewy and muscular build, which allows it to move swiftly and silently. Its body is elongated and slim, designed for agility and quick maneuvers. While it primarily moves on all fours, it possesses the ability to stand upright when needed, utilizing its well-developed hind legs.
  • Skin Tone: The skin of the Apex creature ranges from a deep black to shades of gray, with occasional rare occurrences of white individuals. This natural coloration helps it blend into the shadows and darkness, enhancing its stealth capabilities.
  • Mouth and Teeth: The creature's mouth is filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth, adapted for tearing and rending flesh. Its oral anatomy is designed for quick and efficient consumption of prey. The teeth are positioned in a way that facilitates powerful bites and ensures a firm grip on its target.
  • Appendages and Claws: The Apex creature possesses strong, agile limbs with sharp claws. These appendages aid in both locomotion and securing its prey. The claws are designed for gripping and slashing, allowing the creature to immobilize and incapacitate its targets effectively.

Genetics and Reproduction

Parasitic Reproduction: The Apex creature has a unique reproductive strategy involving a parasitic relationship with other organisms. It injects its young into the bodies of host creatures, using them as incubators until the young Apex creatures are ready to emerge and continue their life cycle. They stay within the body of the host for about two years before they emerge.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • New Born to Adult- 1 year
  • Adult to Elder- 165 years

Ecology and Habitats

This creature can live in any habitat as long as there is food to survive.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Eats only meat


The creature loves to stalk its pray for long periods of time. Often making slight noises in order to induce fear. As the prey becomes more fearful the harder Apex is to see. Finally when the fear is so intoxicating to the prey that is when Apex decides to strike making it an easy kill.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Invisibility Mechanism: The Apex creature possesses an extraordinary adaptation that allows it to become invisible when sensed fear. As someone's fear intensifies in its presence, the creature's skin starts to distort, reflecting and refracting light in a way that renders it progressively harder to perceive. This camouflage effect helps the creature stalk its prey and launch surprise attacks, increasing its chances of success.
  • Facial Features: Instead of eyes, the Apex creature has three parallel slits that run vertically down its face, from the forehead to the mouth. These slits serve as specialized olfactory organs, enabling the creature to detect and analyze scents in great detail. This heightened sense of smell compensates for its lack of vision.
Scientific Name
165 years
Average Height
Average Weight
120 lbs
Geographic Distribution


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