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Ezdos (Ez-dos)


Divine Domains

  • The Abys.
  • Pelo.
  • Universe.


  • Crown of Rebirth- Created by Ezdos himself given to humankind in order to bring back rulers from the dead. But every time a ruler is reborn corruption takes hold of him more and more until the mind is broken and completely controlled by it.

Holy Books & Codes

  • Creator of Light- This is the book about Ezdos and what he has done for Humanity. Created by the Church of Ez it lays the rules and worship of Ezdos. Filled with his deeds and creations it is passed down generation to generation.
  • Serpent in the Light- This book is the opposite of Creator of Light as it marks all the horrible things Ezdos has done and the times he turned away from mankind. This was used to help start the war on the Gods as the book was full of misfortune.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sun was used as a symbol of Ezdos as when he first appeared to the humans it was in his God form. Which burns bright like the sun

Tenets of Faith

Do not Kill Do not Steal Do not seek power beyond mortal means Do not curse my name Do not disobey my commands


Harvest Festival- Every year during day 1 of the Month of Harvest Festivle of Shadow- Once a month on the 115th day

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Always seeking perfection

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Whenever he takes any form he shows no emotion at all. You can tell it is him by the blank canvas he wears on his face.

Special abilities

  • Perceptive Insight: Ezdos has a heightened sense of perception and insight into the intricacies of existence. He can discern patterns, understand the complexities of emotions and motivations, and unravel the hidden depths of individuals. This ability grants him a profound understanding of the human condition and allows him to perceive the potential within individuals.
  • Knowledge and Wisdom: Ezdos possesses extensive knowledge and wisdom accumulated over the ages. His understanding spans various fields, including philosophy, science, art, and the complexities of human nature. This wisdom allows him to offer guidance and insights to those who seek his counsel, though he may choose to share his knowledge sparingly.
  • Subtle Manipulation: Ezdos has the ability to subtly influence the thoughts, desires, and aspirations of individuals. While he may not directly control their actions, he can plant ideas, inspire creativity, or awaken dormant potential within humans. This power of subtle manipulation reflects his desire to guide humanity towards a path he perceives as closer to perfection.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the early ages of the world of Pelo, Ezdos was one of the primordial deities who played a significant role in shaping the cosmos. From the swirling chaos, he crafted the intricate tapestry of existence, giving rise to celestial bodies, natural forces, and the diverse array of life forms that inhabit the world. Driven by a deep desire for perfection, Ezdos sought to create a race that would embody his ideals. He meticulously crafted the human form, weaving together physical attributes, intellectual capabilities, and emotional complexities. However, as he breathed life into his creations, he realized that perfection was an unattainable ideal. Flaws and imperfections were woven into the very fabric of the human race, much to Ezdos' frustration. Haunted by his inability to achieve the perfection he craved, Ezdos became increasingly distant and neglectful of the humans he had created. He viewed them as flawed and imperfect beings, unworthy of his continued attention. Consequently, he withdrew from direct involvement in their affairs, allowing them to navigate their existence largely unguided. As time passed, the humans faced numerous challenges and struggles, seeking answers and guidance from their absent creator. Some humans turned to worship, erecting temples and offering prayers in the hope of gaining Ezdos' favor and guidance. However, their entreaties often went unanswered, further fueling their feelings of abandonment and frustration. Deep within Ezdos' mind, a darker aspect emerged—an undercurrent of resentment and envy towards his fellow deities and their creations. This darkness, though not as pronounced as Uminar's, tainted his perception and actions. It fueled a desire to assert dominance and prove his own superiority, albeit in more subtle and calculated ways. Despite his neglectful tendencies, Ezdos still possesses a sense of responsibility towards his creations. He recognizes the potential within humans, and at times, his fleeting moments of compassion and guidance shine through. These sporadic interactions provide glimpses of the caring and nurturing side of his nature, albeit overshadowed by his pursuit of unattainable perfection.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Creation of Humans: Ezdos' most significant accomplishment is the creation of the human race itself. Through his meticulous design and craftsmanship, he brought forth a sentient species with remarkable intellectual capabilities, emotional depth, and the capacity for growth and progress. The existence of humans stands as a testament to Ezdos' creative power and his ability to shape life in the world of Pelo.
  • Cultural Diversity: The human race exhibits a remarkable diversity of cultures, languages, and traditions. This rich tapestry of human cultures is a testament to Ezdos' creation. The wide array of beliefs, practices, and societal structures among humans reflects the complexity and depth of their existence.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Flawed Creation: Despite his pursuit of perfection, Ezdos' creation of humans was not flawless. He discovered that imperfections were woven into their very nature, which served as a source of frustration and disappointment for him. This flaw in his creation can be seen as a personal failure in achieving the perfection he desired.
  • Neglectful Attitude: Ezdos' neglectful attitude towards humans can be considered a failure on his part. By distancing himself and failing to provide consistent guidance, he left his creation to navigate the complexities of existence without direct support. This neglect led to feelings of abandonment and frustration among humans, which strained their relationship with their creator.
  • Lack of Intervention: Despite witnessing the struggles and suffering of humans, Ezdos often refrained from intervening directly in their affairs. His reluctance to provide assistance or alleviate their hardships can be seen as a failure of compassion and a missed opportunity to improve their well-being.
  • Incomplete Perfection: Ezdos' obsession with perfection is a constant reminder of his own inability to achieve it. This inherent contradiction in his character can be seen as a personal embarrassment, as it highlights his pursuit of an ideal that ultimately eludes him.

Personality Characteristics


Perfection drives him as he is trying to create something perfect.



Deep echoing voice.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Creating the universe
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Understands everything


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