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Landu (Lan-do)

The Landu, a mighty and resilient people, were created by the god Vodros. Primarily located in the southern regions of the Ahslands, they have also spread to some of the surrounding islands, forming their communities. Throughout history, the Landu have faced hardships and often found themselves at the receiving end of unfavorable circumstances, suffering greatly during the Age of Sin at the hands of the Blighted.   Standing between 5 to 10 feet tall, the Landu possess a slightly leaner build, although they still maintain a considerable muscular physique. Their skin exhibits a range of hues, varying from light to dark green, with traces of grey as well. Their skin and skeleton are notably tougher and more resilient compared to those of humans, granting them heightened durability and resistance to external forces. The teeth of the Landu are sharper than those of humans, with some individuals even born with prominent fangs that extend from their mouths. Additionally, their hands and feet bear rough textures, developed over generations as genetic calluses, resulting in a diminished sense of touch. Landu have minimal hair growth on their heads and bodies.   Most Landu societies function as tribal communities, akin to the Ashendre, though characterized by a greater degree of violence and unruliness. However, one faction has managed to form a kingdom, standing as the sole medieval kingdom of the Landu. Initially believed to be too volatile for life in large cities and towns, this development has drawn disapproval from many tribal leaders who staunchly adhere to the old ways. In the tribal societies, rulers are selected through annual trial by combat. Two councils are established, each selecting a fighter to compete for the position of chief. This could involve the current leader defending their position against a challenger, or two new contenders vying for power.   The kingdom of the Landu, on the other hand, is governed by a council while maintaining the appearance of an elected leader. The council holds authority, although the election of a figurehead serves as a symbol to appease traditionalists and provide a sense of stability.   The Landu possess a reputation for their fierce and aggressive nature, often resorting to violence as a means of conflict resolution. This characteristic has contributed to their struggles throughout history, but it has also instilled in them a resilient spirit and a formidable presence on the battlefield. Their ferocity in combat has garnered both respect and fear from neighboring civilizations.

Basic Information


They are skinny but still more muscular humanoid. There skeleton is strong somewhere in-between the humans and Blighted. Callouses riddle their feet and hands.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Olands almost reproduce just like the Dwe. But the Olands also produce like humans. They create a baby using sexual means but the baby only takes about a week in order to be ready to give birth. Afterwards the baby is assigned a pod to be put under the soil. Depending on the soil you get different growth. But with the creation of the pods it negates the soils traits in order to produce a more efficient growth.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Pod to Adult- 1 year
  • Adult to Elder- 50 years

Ecology and Habitats

Any environment is suitable for the Olands to live in except for the Ashlands. They may have to make slight changes like wearing more clothes in colder areas or less clothes in hotter ones.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Meat is their main source of food with a little bit of plants and vegetables if needed. They are hunter gathers with a little bit of farming techniques. Sometimes their hunting includes other races.

Biological Cycle

No changes happen when seasons change other than wearing more or less clothing,


  • Aggressive
  • Violent
  • Ambitious
  • Foolish
  • Bold
  • Stubborn

Additional Information

Social Structure

The male and female have almost the same weight of power in the social latter but males have a little more as they are built a little stronger than the female counter part.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Sometimes they are harvested for their fangs as trophies and to make jewelry.

Facial characteristics

They have very similar facial features to that of a humans. But some do grow fangs. They also do have a bit bigger noses and no facial hair what so ever. Olands also have a bit more structure to their face.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Can be found all over but mainly south of the Ashlands and the islands surrounding the Pangea's.

Average Intelligence

They are not the brightest race on Pelo but they are very intelligent when it comes to hunting and tracking along with blood magic.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have a very good sense of smell and can even hone in on one specific smell of their choosing. Other than that their other senses are average at best. They are very gifted in blood magic making it difficult to learn other forms of magic.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Common Male Firstnames- Gorba, Urgran, Taruf, Mulush
  • Common Female Firstnames- Mazoga, Umog, Bal, Lash
  • Common Lastnames- Stonegiant, Redeye, Blackspear, Greyward

Major Organizations

  • 1 Major Kingdom- Olanese Kingdom
  • 2 Major Tribes- Thurian, Rumian
  • 2 Major Political Factions- ETP (Extreme Tribe Party) focused on keeping the tribal traditions alive. UF (Unified Future) who focuses on bringing the entire race of Olands to the new way of life.
  • 1 Religious Organization- Church of Vodros
  • 3 Illegal Organizations- Ash Clan, Iron Brotherhood, Terror Corps
  • 1 Legal Organization- Lowlanders

Beauty Ideals

A strong body and colorful eyes are a sign of beauty in men and women.

Gender Ideals

men and women share the same responsibilities but most of the time men hold the seats of power

Relationship Ideals

Being good at fighting, hunting, and tracking is enough to be start a relationship with and Oland. Showing bravery also goes a long way.

Average Technological Level

They have not yet discovered anything on their own. They have mostly piggybacked off of other civilizations so far.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak the Olanese tongue and have a difficult time learning other languages.

Common Etiquette Rules

They don't have much for common etiquette in the tribes but in the kingdom they modeled their etiquette after the human kingdoms.

Common Dress Code

In the tribes all that needs to be covered is the groin area and they usually use a breechcloth for that. While in the kingdom They must cover all private areas. Other than that they can wear whatever.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Fighting and hunting is a huge part of their culture not just in the tribes but in the kingdom too. Learning to track and hunt is the very first thing an Oland learns when born. The kingdom has adopted other things as well like the wargames of the Ashlands and the theatre of the humans.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A grate hunt and feast happens every weekend in the tribes and the kingdom. Theatre is played once a month and wargames are played about twice a month. Fist fighting tournaments happen all year long.

Common Taboos

  • Never run from a fight
  • Never steal a kill
  • Never Curse the God
  • Never leave a wounded animal to suffer
  • Never waste any part of an animal


Created as the last race on Pelo they have always been in the shadows of the rest. But somehow took the biggest beating during the Age of sin. They were tortured for fun and mutilated by the blighted for sport. They were the biggest attraction at the gladiator games because of their aggression and fighting prowess but they were always put against unbeatable odds. Once the blighted where beaten back they went back to their tribal ways south of the Ashlands until a new leader arose and brought them from the tribal age to forming a great kingdom. While some apposed this change they went to surrounding islands to continue the old ways while most stayed and built a new kingdom. Now on par with some of the current greats they plan for revenge and domination.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Human- Dislike
  • Blighted- War
  • Ashlands- Friendly
  • Dwe- Unknown
  • Dracon- Neutral
  • Obsidril- Neutral
  • Ilriliad- Neutral
  • Rohder- Dislike
Scientific Name
50-60 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
The average physique of an Oland would be skinny and lean. Pretty much between the physique of a Dwe and a Human.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin color can vary between dark and light green and some grey as well.


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