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Rohder (Ro-der)

The Rhoder, the sole creation of the god Rhozdis, were brought into existence on the isolated island of Roe in the world of Pelo. For centuries, they remained secluded from other races, allowing them to advance technologically far beyond their counterparts. Despite their isolation, their military prowess is remarkable, rivaling even the renowned Ahsendre trainers.   Standing between 5 to 7 feet tall, the Rhoder possess a lean and muscular physique adorned with feathers that cover their bodies. However, their natural feathered exterior does not provide adequate insulation, necessitating the use of additional layers of clothing in colder climates. The Rhoder boast retractable claws on both their fingers and toes. Their hands and feet consist of four fingers and four toes respectively. Uniquely, their bones contain a special alloy that runs through their skeletal structure, granting them exceptional durability and resistance to fractures. Additionally, their beaks are lined with razor-sharp teeth, enabling them to tear through flesh with ease.   The Rhoder have established two kingdoms on the southernmost islands of Pelo. Their society retains a medieval structure, wherein leaders are chosen from a council of nobles. These noble families have remained unchanged since the Rhoder's inception, holding exclusive rights to govern. The council does not admit new noble families, leading to a growing division among the noble houses. This divide could potentially escalate into a drastic civil war if left unresolved, and opportunistic individuals may exploit the situation to seize power and carry out nefarious acts.   Amidst this political turmoil, other noble and high-ranking families exist within Rhoder society, but they are denied the right to vie for the kingship. This exclusionary practice has deepened the rift between noble houses and threatens to plunge the Rhoder into internal conflict. The power struggle among the noble families might provide an opportunity for ambitious individuals to exploit the situation for personal gain, further exacerbating the instability within the Rhoder kingdom.

Basic Information


humanoid birds that have the body shaped like a man covered in feathers. With very small wings that connect half ways to the bicep and connected to the delts. Under their feathers they are extremely muscular. They do not have the ability to fly. There face is that of a birds, some with bigger beaks and others with smaller ones accompanied with razor sharp teeth. There skeleton is very tough and durable as a special alloy runs along the inner part of the bone making it hard break in half.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce sexually and the they lay eggs. It takes about 20 days for the egg to be ready to lay and takes another year to actually hatch into a newborn Rohder.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Newborn to Toddler- 2 years
  • Toddler to Teen- 5 years
  • Teen to Adult- 15 years
  • Adult to Elder- 100 years

Ecology and Habitats

They like to live in warmer areas as their eggs cant get too cold otherwise they die. But they can survive in colder regions if they have special Egg care centers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They eat meat and plants. They mainly get their source of meat from fish as they love to eat fish.

Biological Cycle

When seasons change and things get colder they need to wear more clothing as their feathers don't provide the best insulation and less clothes in warmer temperatures.


  • Courageous
  • Independent
  • Ambitious
  • Helpful
  • Secretive

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure is dominated by the males as they provide the necessary requirements for survival and flourishment.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Some people will hunt lone Rohder so they can harvest the alloy

Facial characteristics

They have the face of a bird. Their beakes also have razor sharp teeth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live just about anywhere but the main places they live are the two islands south of the Pangea's.

Average Intelligence

They are very intelligent when it comes to science and strategy. They do not have very good intelligence with magic.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eye sight and hearing are extremally well, the best on Pelo. But they do not have a sense of smell. They are not very inclined at any magic but they can still learn it. It just takes them a lot longer than any other race.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Common Male Firstnames- Acak, Iyiww, Carik, Zikek
  • Common Female Firstnames- Ziat, Esu, Zawi, Rabili
  • Common Lastnames- Qhiayookawk, Koshah, Skreayoowk, Uasaccah

Major Organizations

  • 2 Major Kingdoms- Roean Kingdom, Kingdom of Phema
  • 3 Political Factions- (Prime Homeland Party) focused on keeping the homeland safe from Invaders. PSC (People's Separation Coalition) who wants to separate from the main kingdoms. NRG (New Regulation Group) they want to change the policy so they open their borders more and change relations with other races.
  • 2 Religious Organizations- Faith of Guldo, Order of Vrytiwas
  • 2 Illegal Organizations- Chrono, Assembly of Dragons
  • 1 Legal Organization- Ebonbrows

Beauty Ideals

The color of the feathers and strong fit body types are a sign of beauty in men and women.

Gender Ideals

Men are the top of the ladder.

Relationship Ideals

Courage and respect is a good way to create a friendship with the Rohder

Average Technological Level

They have a high medieval technology level. They are farther ahead of the other races but not by a whole lot. They created a new way of fishing and farming. They also created the Roebow a new type of bow that allows a trained user to shoot up to 3 arrows at once with pin point accuracy.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak their own Rohdinian language but can learn other languages very quickly.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect is the most common Etiquette for the Rohder like bowing before nobles and kissing the hand of the king. Respecting ones women is also extremely important.

Common Dress Code

The private parts must be covered while in public. Like the humans they wear whatever they want but nobles wear the more expensive clothes.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Racing and games are a big part of their culture. Fishing competitions are also something that the Rohder do often. Watching theatre and plays are important to them as well as story telling.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Fishing tournaments happen all month long during the month of Harvest. Racing horses happen almost every other weekend. Theatre gets played about once a month.

Common Taboos

  • Never curse the name of the king
  • Never befriend another race
  • Never over fish
  • Never show mercy to Oland or Blighted


Created by Rhozdis they have always been the front runners of technology but they have always stayed isolated on the island of Roe. For good reason too as they did nor suffer so much at the hands of the blighted during the Age of Sin and also during the battle with the Gods. After the blighted had been driven back they decided to expand out to another near by island that seemed to be uninhabited which it was. But then the Olands came after expanding out from their area of influence and started a war on that island causing a split from the main Kingdom into a new one. Now they stay isolated from other races but some factions inside grow tired of the isolation and some have new evil plans.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Human- Suspicious
  • Blighted- War
  • Oland- War
  • Dwe- Unknown
  • Obsidirl- Suspicious
  • Ilriliad- Suspicious
  • Dracon- Suspicious
  • Ashendre- Neutral
Scientific Name
120 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
They have a very lean and muscular physique on average. Some can be a little more bulky.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The feathers have a a darker color scheme to them like brown, grey, and black along with white. While women have brighter and lighter colors.


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