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Ueus (Oos)


Divine Domains

  • Pelo
  • The Abys
  • Universe


  • Claw of the Wild: The Claw of the Wild is a relic believed to have been a physical manifestation of Ueus' primal strength. It is a large, weathered claw that represents his connection to the fierce creatures of the wild. The Olands regard it as a symbol of their primal heritage and often display it as a token of their allegiance to Ueus.
  • Heartstone Pendant: The Heartstone Pendant is a gemstone pendant infused with the essence of Ueus' untamed spirit. It is said to pulsate with life and possesses the power to enhance one's connection to nature. The pendant is worn by those who seek to channel Ueus' energy, commune with the wilderness, or tap into the primal forces of the world.
  • Tome of Unseen Paths: The Tome of Unseen Paths is an ancient book attributed to Ueus, containing his wisdom and teachings about navigating the untamed realms. It is said to be filled with knowledge of hidden trails, secret groves, and forgotten sanctuaries within the wild. The Olands treasure this artifact as a guide to unraveling the mysteries of nature.

Holy Books & Codes

  • Tales of the Primal Realms: The Tales of the Primal Realms are a compilation of stories and myths that recount the adventures, trials, and tribulations of Ueus and his interactions with the natural forces of Pelo. These tales provide insights into Ueus' character, his relationship with the Olands, and his role as the primal deity.
  • Wisdom of the Wild: The Wisdom of the Wild refers to a collection of proverbs, riddles, and philosophical teachings attributed to Ueus. These snippets of wisdom offer guidance on living in harmony with nature, understanding the primal forces, and embracing the wild aspects within oneself. They serve as moral lessons and reminders of Ueus' wisdom.
  • The Chronicles of Uncharted Territories: The Chronicles of Uncharted Territories are a series of accounts documenting Ueus' explorations and adventures beyond the known realms of Pelo. These chronicles describe his encounters with elusive creatures, unexplored lands, and the discovery of hidden realms, expanding the Olands' understanding of the vastness of the natural world.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Whenever in mortal form he always wears a stone that changes colors with his unpredictable nature.

Special abilities

  • Primal Strength and Endurance: Ueus possesses immense physical strength and durability, befitting his primal nature. He can exhibit extraordinary resilience, withstand harsh environments, and endure physical challenges beyond the capabilities of ordinary beings. His strength allows him to protect the Olands and fend off threats from both mortal and divine entities.
  • Enhanced Senses: Ueus possesses heightened senses that surpass those of ordinary beings. His senses of sight, hearing, smell, and touch are acute and finely attuned to the natural world. This heightened perception allows him to navigate through the wild with precision, detect subtle changes in the environment, and perceive hidden dangers or opportunities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the early days of creation, when the world of Pelo was still taking shape, Ueus emerged from the chaotic forces of the cosmos. Unlike the other gods, Ueus possessed a more primal and savage essence, embodying the raw power of nature. His creation, the Olands, were a race of beings closely tied to the untamed wilderness. Ueus roamed the vast expanses of the land, nurturing his creation and guiding the Olands in their struggle for survival. He taught them the ways of hunting and gathering. The Olands, in turn, revered Ueus as their primal deity, honoring his fierce and unpredictable nature. Throughout history, Ueus was known to exhibit contrasting aspects of his personality. At times, he would be fiercely protective of the Olands, unleashing his wrath upon those who threatened his creations. His savage nature manifested in battles against other gods and creatures that dared to encroach upon his domain. However, Ueus also displayed a more laid-back and mysterious demeanor. He would often withdraw from the affairs of the world, retreating into the depths of uncharted wilderness, only to emerge when the balance of nature was disrupted or when his creations required his guidance. Ueus' moral compass remains a subject of speculation and mystery. His actions and motivations often defy easy comprehension, as he navigates the fine line between dark and light, chaos and order. Some believe that his seemingly unpredictable behavior stems from his deep connection to the untamed aspects of existence, while others perceive him as a deity embodying the capriciousness of nature itself. Over time, Ueus became a figure of reverence and fear among the Olands, who regarded him as a deity of primal power and unpredictable nature. His personal history intertwines with the story of the Olands, shaping their struggles, their triumphs, and their enduring connection with the untamed wilderness. Now after the war against the Gods Ueus left behind his creation to help the rest of the Gods create the universe. Hoping to come back to a flourishing race of Olands even after the uprising.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Creation of the Olands: Ueus is credited with the creation of the Olands, a race of beings closely connected to the wild and the natural world. His ability to bring forth a unique and resilient race demonstrates his creative prowess and power as a deity.
  • Survival and Adaptation: Through Ueus' guidance, the Olands developed survival skills and learned to adapt to the harsh environments of Pelo. They became adept hunters, gatherers, and defenders, drawing strength from their primal connection to the wild. Ueus' teachings and influence played a significant role in the Olands' ability to thrive and endure.
  • Enigmatic Influence: Ueus' enigmatic nature and unpredictable actions left a lasting impact on the Olands and the world of Pelo. His subtle interventions and mysterious guidance shaped the development of the Olands' culture, spirituality, and way of life. The legends and tales surrounding Ueus continue to inspire awe, fear, and reverence among the Olands and other inhabitants of Pelo.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Discord Amongst the Olands: Despite Ueus' guidance and teachings, there have been instances of internal conflicts and divisions among the Olands. These conflicts may have stemmed from differences in interpretation of Ueus' teachings or disputes over resources and territories. Ueus may feel a sense of failure in witnessing his creation succumb to internal strife and disharmony.
  • Inability to Control Wild Forces: As a deity embodying the untamed aspects of nature, Ueus may occasionally find himself unable to fully control or contain the wild forces he represents. This lack of control can lead to chaos, destruction, and unintended consequences, which may be viewed as failures or sources of embarrassment for him.
  • Lack of Understanding from Mortals: Ueus' primal nature and unpredictable demeanor may make it difficult for mortals to comprehend his intentions or actions. This lack of understanding or misinterpretation of his motives can lead to misunderstandings, fear, and a sense of embarrassment for Ueus, as he struggles to communicate his true nature and purpose to those who worship or encounter him.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Creating the Universe
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Can understand all


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