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Uminar (Oo-min-ar)


Divine Domains

  • The Abys
  • Pelo
  • Universe


  • Shadowblade: The Shadowblade is a wicked and malevolent weapon forged from the darkest materials. Its blade is crafted from obsidian infused with Uminar's dark magic, giving it the ability to drain the life force of those it strikes. The Shadowblade whispers dark and seductive promises to its wielder, driving them towards madness and bloodlust.
  • Veil of Shadows: The Veil of Shadows is a mysterious cloak that grants its wearer the power to manipulate darkness and shadows. It allows the user to move undetected and blend seamlessly into the shadows, making them near-invisible to the naked eye. However, prolonged use of the Veil can corrupt the wearer, causing them to become consumed by darkness.
  • Orb of Despair: The Orb of Despair is a mystical artifact that radiates an aura of hopelessness and despair. Those who come into contact with it are overwhelmed by a deep sense of anguish and desolation. The orb can be used to manipulate the emotions of others, driving them to despair or causing their worst fears to manifest.
  • Tome of Forbidden Knowledge: The Tome of Forbidden Knowledge is a grimoire that contains dark rituals, spells, and secrets that Uminar himself discovered or created. The tome is said to be bound in human flesh and written in blood. It grants those who delve into its pages access to potent and dangerous magic but exacts a heavy toll on their sanity.
  • Cursed Idol of Uminar: The Cursed Idol is a small, seemingly innocuous figurine representing Uminar. However, it holds a dark secret. When touched or worshipped, the idol drains the life force of the person or beings in its vicinity, channeling the energy to Uminar himself. The idol is an embodiment of Uminar's hunger for power and sustenance.

Holy Books & Codes

  • Codex of Madness: The Codex of Madness is a tome believed to contain Uminar's deepest and most forbidden teachings. It explores the intricacies of insanity, chaos, and the dark arts. The book delves into the twisted philosophies and rituals favored by Uminar, documenting his descent into madness and the methods through which his followers sought to commune with him.
  • Scroll of Desolation: The Scroll of Desolation is a fragile parchment that depicts the devastation and despair brought about by Uminar's wrath. It details the cataclysmic events and acts of destruction attributed to Uminar, painting a grim picture of the consequences that befell those who crossed his path.
  • Book of Twisted Realities: The Book of Twisted Realities is an esoteric text that explores the manipulation and distortion of reality. It delves into the forbidden arts of warping perception, creating alternate dimensions, and bending the fabric of existence. The book offers glimpses into the dark corners of Uminar's mind, revealing his fascination with the instability and malleability of reality.
  • Grimoire of Torment: The Grimoire of Torment is a cursed book filled with dark spells and rituals that inflict suffering and agony upon its victims. It delves into the art of torment, exploring ways to manipulate and break the spirits of others. The book was rumored to have been used by Uminar's most devout followers to carry out acts of sadistic pleasure in his name.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

When in any mortal form the one identifying feature he has is on his right eye is a pitch black void. If stared at long enough you can see the darkness floating up out of the eye. At that point your mind already belongs to him.

Special abilities

  • Mental Manipulation: Uminar possesses the ability to delve into the minds of others, manipulating their thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. He can plant insidious suggestions, induce madness, and create illusions within the minds of his victims. This mental manipulation grants him a powerful means of control and manipulation.
  • Dark Aura: Uminar emanates a dark and malevolent aura, an oppressive energy that instills fear and unease in those who come into contact with it. This aura enhances his presence and influence, making his very presence an intimidating force to reckon with.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Legend has it that Uminar's descent into madness began when he observed the creation of humans by his fellow god. Consumed by envy and a sense of injustice, he harbored deep resentment towards the newly formed mortal race. Blinded by his fury, Uminar sought to retaliate and devised a sinister plan. In a twisted act of defiance, Uminar crafted a people of his own, known as the Dwe. However, unlike the humans who were bestowed with the gift of the surface world, Uminar's creations were doomed to a life of eternal darkness and suffering. The Dwe were banished to the deepest, most inhospitable caverns beneath the earth, where they were condemned to crawl and scuttle like wretched creatures, never to see the light of day. Uminar reveled in the misery of the Dwe, finding perverse satisfaction in their despair. He would often visit their desolate realm, tormenting them with his presence, whispering maddening thoughts into their minds and feeding off their pain. The Dwe lived in perpetual fear, their lives eternally entwined with the dark deity's malevolent influence. As time passed, the gods of Pelo decided to embark on a grand endeavor: the creation of a vast and intricate universe. Realizing the necessity of Uminar's presence and abilities, they implored him to join them in this cosmic undertaking. With reluctance, Uminar agreed, perhaps seeing an opportunity to wield his chaotic power on a grander scale. Leaving behind his malevolent legacy in Pelo, Uminar departed to aid in the creation of the universe. Although he was now physically distant from his creations, the Dwe, his dark influence remained ingrained in their existence. The scars of his twisted actions continued to shape their lives as they languished in the cavernous depths. To this day, the name Uminar is whispered with fear and trepidation, a reminder of the depths to which a once powerful god had fallen. His unpredictable and psychotic nature still looms over the world, leaving a lasting mark on the Dwe and serving as a grim reminder of the dangers that lie in the hearts of gods.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Creation of the Dwe: Uminar's most significant accomplishment was the creation of the Dwe, a distinct race born out of his twisted desire for vengeance against humans. Despite their unfortunate fate, the mere existence of the Dwe is a testament to Uminar's power to mold life according to his own whims.
  • Psychological Manipulation: Uminar possesses an innate ability to delve into the minds of mortals and gods alike. His accomplishments lie in his skillful manipulation of thoughts, emotions, and fears, often driving individuals to madness or despair. Through his insidious whispers and mental torment, he has broken the spirit of countless beings, leaving a lasting mark on their psyches.
  • Destruction and Chaos: Uminar's penchant for chaos and destruction has led to numerous cataclysmic events throughout history. His unrestrained power has caused cities to crumble, civilizations to fall, and entire realms to be consumed by darkness. These acts of devastation showcase his ability to unleash unbridled chaos upon the world.
  • Dark Magic Mastery: Uminar has delved deep into the realms of forbidden knowledge, attaining mastery over dark magic. His expertise allows him to wield arcane powers with great proficiency, casting spells that bring about devastation and despair. His accomplishments in dark magic have made him a feared and revered figure among practitioners of the occult.
  • Influence on the Gods: Despite his unstable nature, Uminar's presence and influence have had a profound impact on the pantheon of gods in Pelo. His dark charisma and manipulative abilities have swayed the decisions and actions of fellow deities, causing fractures within the divine hierarchy and leaving a mark on the balance of power among the gods.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Backfiring Plans: Uminar's attempts at retaliation against the creation of humans by the other gods ultimately led to unintended consequences. While he intended the Dwe to be a punishment for humanity, their existence as a tortured race became a constant reminder of Uminar's failure to exact his desired revenge. The Dwe's suffering became a haunting testament to his own twisted nature.
  • Uncontrolled Madness: Uminar's profound instability often leads him to lose control of his own powers and actions. In moments of extreme rage or psychosis, he has inadvertently caused significant damage to his surroundings, including sacred places and even his fellow gods. These outbursts only served to further alienate him from others and deepen his own sense of isolation.
  • Betrayals and Defeats: Uminar's manipulative nature and reputation for darkness have made him vulnerable to betrayal. At times, his schemes and alliances have crumbled, leading to his defeat at the hands of those he sought to manipulate or overpower. These defeats have further wounded his pride and perpetuated his cycle of instability and desperation.
  • Weakening Influence: While Uminar once held a prominent and influential position among the gods of Pelo, his descent into madness has caused his power and influence to wane over time. The other gods have grown wary of him, and his unstable nature has made it difficult for him to maintain meaningful relationships or alliances. This erosion of his standing has left him isolated and marginalized.
  • Escaping Justice: Despite his numerous failures and destructive actions, Uminar has managed to evade significant consequences for his deeds. This lack of accountability has, in a twisted way, become an embarrassment for him, as he remains trapped in a cycle of chaos and suffering without any real resolution or redemption.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Cunning and Deception: Uminar is a master of deception and manipulation. He possesses a keen intellect that allows him to craft intricate schemes and strategies to achieve his goals. His ability to deceive others, whether mortal or divine, is a testament to his sharp mind and strategic thinking.
  • Dark Wisdom: Despite his chaotic and malevolent nature, Uminar has delved into the depths of forbidden knowledge. He possesses a profound understanding of dark magic, arcane rituals, and the hidden aspects of the universe. His intellectual curiosity in exploring the occult and forbidden has granted him insights that others dare not pursue.
  • Psychological Insight: Uminar's instability grants him a unique understanding of the human psyche and the vulnerabilities of others. He can manipulate and exploit the fears, desires, and weaknesses of individuals, employing psychological tactics to achieve his sinister objectives. His ability to unravel the minds of others demonstrates his intellectual prowess in the realm of psychology.
  • Strategic Planning: Uminar's intellectual capacity enables him to formulate intricate plans and strategies. He possesses a knack for anticipating the actions and reactions of his adversaries, allowing him to adapt and adjust his tactics accordingly. His strategic planning often takes advantage of the chaos and unpredictability that he thrives upon.
  • Creative and Unconventional Thinking: Uminar's intellectual characteristics extend beyond conventional norms. His twisted and deranged mindset allows him to think outside the box, approaching problems and situations from unconventional angles. This unconventional thinking often leads to unique and unsettling solutions, adding an element of surprise to his actions.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Amorality: Uminar operates outside the boundaries of conventional morality. He does not adhere to traditional notions of right and wrong, nor does he abide by any moral code or ethical principles. His actions are guided solely by his own desires, whims, and twisted sense of justice.
  • Chaos and Instability: Uminar embraces chaos as the driving force behind his existence. He sees order and stability as stifling and restrictive, seeking to disrupt and dismantle established systems. His philosophy emphasizes the destabilization of the status quo, often through acts of destruction and manipulation.
  • Nihilism and Despair: Uminar's philosophy is tinged with nihilistic tendencies. He sees existence as inherently meaningless and devoid of purpose. This perspective fuels his desire to spread despair and suffering, as he believes that life itself is a cruel and futile endeavor.

Personality Characteristics


  • Lust for Power and Control: Uminar seeks to expand his influence and assert dominion over the world. He craves power and control, viewing them as means to satisfy his own desires and assert his superiority over others. His motivation is rooted in a hunger for the recognition and control that he believes he deserves.
  • Chaos and Instability: Uminar finds solace and purpose in chaos and instability. He sees order and stability as stifling and restrictive, perceiving them as obstacles to be overcome. His motivation lies in disrupting established systems, unraveling the fabric of reality, and embracing the chaos that he thrives upon.
  • Twisted Pleasure and Sadism: Uminar derives perverse pleasure from the suffering and despair of others. His motivation is fueled by sadism, relishing in the torment and manipulation of mortals and even his fellow gods. The pain he inflicts upon others serves as a source of gratification, reinforcing his own sense of power and dominance.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Creating Universe
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Understands all


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