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Vodros (Vo-dros)


Divine Domains

  • Pelo
  • The Abys
  • Universe


  • Mirror of Reflection: The Mirror of Reflection is a mystical artifact created by Vodros, representing the duality within himself and the world he created. It possesses the power to reveal both the light and dark aspects of a person's soul, allowing individuals to confront and understand their inner conflicts. The mirror serves as a tool for self-discovery and introspection, enabling individuals to seek balance within themselves.
  • Dual-Bladed Staff: Vodros' Dual-Bladed Staff is a formidable weapon that embodies the duality of his nature. It is a staff with two blades at each end, one representing darkness and the other representing light. The staff grants its wielder the ability to harness and channel both destructive and nurturing energies, symbolizing the delicate balance between opposing forces.
  • Amulet of Equilibrium: The Amulet of Equilibrium is a mystical amulet created by Vodros to symbolize the importance of balance. When worn, it grants its bearer the ability to harmonize opposing energies and influence the delicate equilibrium between light and darkness. The amulet serves as a reminder of Vodros' teachings and the pursuit of balance in all aspects of life.
  • Tome of Dual Paths: The Tome of Dual Paths is a sacred book left behind by Vodros, containing profound insights and teachings about navigating the complexities of duality. It explores the interplay between light and darkness, guiding seekers on a journey of self-discovery and balance. The tome is said to hold ancient wisdom and is sought after by scholars, seekers of enlightenment, and those yearning for a deeper understanding of Vodros' nature.

Holy Books & Codes

  • "The Scrolls of Equilibrium": This ancient collection of scrolls delved deep into the concept of balance and its significance in the world. It explored the interplay between light and darkness, chaos and order, and provided guidance on achieving harmony in one's life and within society. The scrolls contained teachings, parables, and philosophical reflections that have unfortunately faded from memory.
  • "The Tome of Dual Realms": This forgotten tome explored the realms beyond the mortal plane, revealing the existence of parallel dimensions and alternate realities. It delved into the nature of duality in these realms, examining the intricate connections and conflicts between different versions of existence. The tome held secrets of interdimensional travel and the potential for finding balance across diverse realities.
  • "The Codex of Shadows and Light": This enigmatic codex chronicled the intricate dance between shadows and light, exploring the inherent dualities within them. It contained rituals, spells, and incantations that harnessed the essence of shadows and light to create unique effects. The codex's forgotten knowledge encompassed both the benevolent and malevolent aspects of these forces, emphasizing the importance of balance in their application.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Whenever in a humanoid form he always wears a mask depicting a dark side and light side.

Special abilities

  • Duality Influence: Vodros' presence exudes a palpable influence of duality. This ability allows him to amplify or diminish the light or darkness within individuals, impacting their emotions, actions, and motivations. He can ignite the darkest desires or inspire the noblest virtues, depending on his will and the needs of the situation.
  • Divine Insight: Vodros possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies of duality and the conflicts that arise from opposing forces. He can perceive the hidden truths within individuals and situations, unraveling the complexities of their choices and motivations. This insight grants him a unique perspective and enables him to guide or manipulate events according to his intentions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vodros emerged from the primordial chaos of the universe, embodying both light and darkness within his essence. His divine nature granted him immense power and the ability to shape the world of Pelo according to his will. In the early ages of creation, Vodros undertook the task of fashioning two distinct races: the Obsidril and the Ilriliad. Vodros crafted the Obsidril, a malevolent and sinister race fueled by darkness and a thirst for destruction. Their nature inclined them towards cruelty, torture, and an insatiable desire to dominate the world of Pelo. Simultaneously, Vodros forged the Ilriliad, a gentle and nature-loving race closely attuned to the natural realm. The Ilriliad sought harmony, preservation, and coexistence with their surroundings. Vodros suffered from a unique affliction—a split personality that manifested as two distinct aspects within his divine being. One personality represented the embodiment of darkness, chaos, and malevolence. This aspect reveled in the torment inflicted by the Obsidril, relishing in their sinister actions. The other personality radiated joy, embraced the beauty of nature, and longed for peaceful coexistence among the races. The constant shifting between these two personalities made Vodros highly unpredictable and unstable. Vodros played a pivotal role in the mortal uprising against the gods. The oppressive rule of the Obsidril and their malevolent actions fueled the discontent among mortals, leading to their rebellion against the divine order. Vodros' split personality and the conflicting natures of the races he created contributed to the animosity and tension that ultimately led to the uprising. The mortals' resistance prompted the gods, including Vodros, to depart from Pelo and venture into creating new realms in the universe. Vodros' legacy is marked by the ongoing struggle between the Obsidril and the Ilriliad, symbolizing the perpetual battle between light and darkness, destruction and preservation. His influence, both positive and negative, continues to shape the destiny of Pelo and its inhabitants. The dichotomy of his nature serves as a constant reminder of the delicate balance between good and evil, and the challenges of finding harmony amid chaos.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Creation of the Obsidril and Ilriliad: Vodros sculpted two distinct races, the Obsidril and the Ilriliad, each embodying different aspects of his dual nature. This act of creation showcases his divine power and creative abilities, shaping beings with unique characteristics, motivations, and roles within the world of Pelo.
  • Bestowing Dark and Light Energies: As the source of their existence, Vodros infused the Obsidril with dark energies, granting them formidable strength and prowess in the art of destruction. Conversely, he imbued the Ilriliad with light energies, endowing them with a deep connection to nature and a harmonious bond with the world around them.
  • Sowing Ambition and Curiosity: Vodros instilled within his creations a thirst for exploration, ambition, and personal growth. The Obsidril were driven by their desire for power and dominance, while the Ilriliad sought to understand and nurture the natural world, aiming to cultivate peace and harmony.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Neglect of the Obsidril and Ilriliad: Despite being the creator of the Obsidril and Ilriliad, Vodros ultimately abandoned them, leaving them to navigate their existence without his guidance and care. This neglect resulted in a profound sense of abandonment and contributed to the ongoing conflict between the two races.
  • Inability to Resolve the Conflict: Vodros' creation of the opposing races, the Obsidril and Ilriliad, reflects his own internal struggle between light and darkness. However, his failure to find a resolution or bridge the divide between these two races has perpetuated their animosity and prolonged the conflict within Pelo.
  • Contributing to Mortal Uprising: Vodros' dual nature and the resulting turmoil between the Obsidril and Ilriliad played a significant role in inciting the mortal rebellion against the gods. His inability to foresee or prevent the uprising showcases a failure in understanding the consequences of his actions and the impact they would have on mortals.
  • Instability and Unpredictability: Vodros' split personality, shifting between dark and light aspects, renders him emotionally unstable. This instability has caused disruptions and unpredictability in his interactions with other deities, mortals, and even his own creations, leading to instances of confusion, mistrust, and chaos.

Personality Characteristics


It is hard to tell the motivations of Vodros as he has no control over his split personality. One personality might want one thing while the other wants the other thing.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Creating the Universe
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Can understand all


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