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Countess Anwyn of Rydychan

Countess Anwyn is the Lady of Rydychan. She is middle-aged but still quite pretty after all the years and children and sorrows. She has been married twice, and borne a daughter by the first and a son by the second, but both husbands have fallen in battle. As a rich heiress, she wants a husband — but as a twice-widowed woman, she can choose her own. However, she seeks more than a husband. She wants revenge, and to once again rule over her father’s holding. If properly reinstated in her familial holding in Rydychan, she has 60 Knights at her call.
Current Status
Trying to recruit knights to help her against the Rydychan Usurpers
Current Location
Year of Birth
460 38 Years old
Aligned Organization

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