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Winter Events - Sir Kendric

A catalogue of Sir Kendric's winter phase events.

Uther Period

485 495

  • 487 UTHER

    487 UTHER

    Winter 487

    ◆ Your aunt Maegan marries Jareth, Sir Floridas’s uncle. And, your aunt Tegan commits suicide.
    ◆ Your new steward has been exceptionally busy this year, and gets +5 to his Stewardship skill this year.
    ◆ You catch a fish while idling on your manor with your wife/lover/children/dog. Check Boating and Hunting.

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  • 488 UTHER

    488 UTHER

    Winter 488

    ◆ You find an old tapestry which shows your grandfather being knighted by Earl Reginald of Salisbury. Worth £4. If kept, check Love (family) each year.
    Sir Elad visits your manor for the Winter. He discusses war and battle tactics with you. Check Battle and Siege.
    ◆ Your horse flourishes this year, regardless of living standard. No Stable Rolls necessary for any horses.

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  • 489 UTHER

    489 UTHER

    Winter 489

    ◆ Good fortune! Lady Bethan comes upon unexpected raw materials. Gain £10 solely for the use of building of an improvement or enhancement.
    ◆ One of your past deeds (Irish charge at Bude) has become the inspiration for a popular song. Gain 50 Glory. +10 Glory each time it is sung at court (5 or less on a d20 at each feast or other courtly event, etc.) where you are present (any that we play out). Write a note to remind yourself.
    ◆ Your cousin, Lady Rhiannon, needs a champion to defend her against a charge of witchcraft. Decide: Yes=Check to Love (Family) & Valourous. Then, you must fight a young knight (pg. 204 KAP) to the death. No=Check to Prudent and -1 Love (Family). Then, it is up to Fate whether Lady Rhiannon is charged and executed or not.
    ◆ A Londinium Event: You make the week's long journey to London. Your servants have prepared for your arrival. London is one of the greatest cities in Britain, with as many as 10,000 filling its streets. It is a stark contrast to manorial life. Stinking alleys with wild dogs, shouting beggars, drunken friars, mobs of travelers and tourists, etc. Perhaps you enjoy the change of pace? Your arrival at the Basilica the next morning begins your service. Much of the business is by consent agenda; tedium and marginalia. The approval of certain property valuations, the age of a particular heir, sealing of the authority of various writs, confirmation of the frankpledge records, and so forth. However, two cases demand more studious attention:

    1. The city senate must decide upon the merchants' bargaining for freedom from tolls for the next 10 years. Uther is against the notion because he believes it will cost him and affect his war with Saxons (Uther angered), but lifting the tolls would mean merchants would trade more freely and Londinium would prosper (and the value of your manse and privileges would increase from £50 to £62).
    2. Secondly, the church wishes to expand Saint Paul’s Cathedral and needs the senate’s authority to do so. They are willing to pay for the land rights in gold and silver or in holy indulgence. Choose: receive a cut of the rents (one-time payment of £2d6) or check each of your Religious traits.

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  • 490 UTHER

    490 UTHER

    Winter 490

    ◆ A Londinium Event: No events this year.
    ◆ Your cousin, Andreas, asks you to help them become a knight at the age of 24. He has saved up half and needs the other half. Yes=Check to Love (Family). No=Check to Prudent.
    ◆ Your cousin, Lady Rhiannon, marries Sir Tywyn, Alister's cousin.
    ◆ Your village wise woman says that next year will be a good one for you - the stars predict it! The next fumble you roll becomes a critical.

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  • 491 UTHER

    491 UTHER

    Winter 491

    You are ordered by the King and Earl to garrison Terrabil for the winter. It's boring, cold, and you miss your family. The garrison commander, Sir Thebert, as a Christmas gift grants you £6.
    ◆ An old acquaintance of your father comes to pay off an hitherto unknown debt. Gain +£6.
    ◆ The peasants are unmotivated, even if happy, near your manor. Make a successful Orate or 1 Temporary Lot damage.
    ◆ The peasants say the land has been cursed. Your Priest, Druid, or Wise Woman must “remove” this. Peasants gain +6 Hate (Landlord).

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  • 492 UTHER

    492 UTHER

    Winter 492

    Peace comes to Logres.
    ◆ A Londinium Event: With the recent events with King Uther being married, his arranged marriages to his step-daughters, his destruction of Duke Gorlois, and recent victories against the Saxons, the supreme collegium seems ready to vote King Uther in as High King. Your impassioned speech at the council previously, seems to have cemented the deal for the council of Londinium. Still, there is a faction forming against King Uther in secret and you are offered a chance to join the faction… Further, the sudden peace in the kingdom has brought more mundane issues to the forefront. Votes need be made and this means machinations and negotiations unfold.

    • Do you join with the anti-Uther faction or work to expose them?
    • A new bridge is planning to be built across the Thames. This is one of the larger construction projects since the Romans left and there are skeptics of the project. You have a chance to invest in the building of the bridge: Spend £10 and if the project is successful you will earn a partial right to the tolls on the bridge equal to £1 annually. If the project fails, you lose your investment.
    • With the recent fall of Cornwall, tin has become more widely imported, and thus there have been new taxes and kickbacks, especially to the council. Your share is £4.

    ◆ A traveling mercenary knight named Sir Armel visits your manor says your grandfather, Sir Aldwin saved his life once and the debt was never repaid. He offers to join your service until the debt is repaid.
    ◆ A tree collapses, blocking a road near your manor. 1 Temporary Lot damage.
    ◆ You uncover an old silver ring worth £1 in the cellar.

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  • 493 UTHER

    493 UTHER

    Winter 493

    Don't forget to apply -3 to all Stewardship rolls this year.
    ◆ A Londinium Event: none this year.
    ◆ Your uncle, Berian, dies of old age; worn out and broken.
    ◆ More livestock from your manor return from the fields than expected. Repair 1 Temporary Lot of damage.
    ◆ Your bull was particularly virile. All cows had calves. Gain +£1 to Treasury. If you have a vaccary, increase income by £1 from it.

    ◆ Together with the steward or wife, you evaluate the state of the population and lands, supervising the works going on at your estate. Do you spend more time tending to the Manor (check Folk Lore or Stewardship), tending to the Troops (check Battle, Horsemanship, or a Weapon Skill) or tending to personal development (check any 3 Skills)?

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  • 494 UTHER

    494 UTHER

    Winter 494

    Don't forget to apply -3 to all Stewardship rolls this year.
    ◆ As you prepare for War against the Saxons, no other events seem to emerge this year. Together with your wife, you evaluate the state of the population and lands, supervising the works going on in your estate. Do you spend more time tending to the Manor (check Folk Lore or Stewardship), tending to the Troops (check Battle, Horsemanship, or a Weapon Skill) or tending to personal development (check any 3 Skills)?

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  • 495 UTHER

    495 UTHER

    Winter 495

    ◆ A Londinium Event: you finally have a chance to return to Londinium after the death of King Uther and the other nobles. London is in upheaval and there is a power vacuum. Nobles and merchants alike are both positioning themselves to secure power and also nervous about the future to come.

    • Both Duke Ulfius of Silchester and Duke Derfel of Lindsey are claiming Londinium for themselves. The council will have a role to play in deciding whose ancestral claims will prove true. Duke Ulfius has promised protection from the Saxons should the council rule in his favor and Duke Derfel has offered lands and titles to council members in Lindsey should they rule in his favor. Your vote could sway the decision one way or another. How do you vote?
    • A miracle in London! A sword has appeared, stuck through an anvil and block of marble outside Saint Paul’s cathedral. It says that whoever pulls the sword out of the stone will be the next High King of Britain. Do you attempt to pull the sword?

    ◆ Your brother, Ulric, leaves to find his way in life and is gone for 3d6 years. He earns 100 Glory per year gone and then returns.
    Bishop Roland and his retinue visit your manor. Pay £1d2+1 from Treasury, check Spiritual, and gain Glory equal to that amount or check Worldly. Donate £1 to the church or check Selfish.
    ◆ Your uncle, Rhobert, dies after wounds sustained at the Battle of St. Albans .

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Anarchy Period

496 510

  • 496 ANARCHY

    496 ANARCHY

    Winter 496

    Londinium: no events this year. However, do you accept Duke Ulfius’ offer to consolidate the council? He will be expecting a formal reply. Yes or no?

    Sir Ulric sends back £5 from his travels. Choose 1: Keep; Pass to the poor=+1 Generous and tick Modest; Pass to the Church=Check Spiritual/Worldly & Generous; Pass to the peasants=Check Generous and reduce Hate (Landlord) by 5.

    ◆ A good fortune! You find a new hobby that intrigues you. Gain +1d6 skill points in a skill currently less than 5!

    ◆ Disease ravages your livestock on your manor. 2 Temporary Lot damage.

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  • 497 ANARCHY

    497 ANARCHY

    Winter 497

    ◆ A Londinium Event: no events this year. However, the new council position rewards you with £3.
    ◆ Your neighbor, Sir Nantlais of Longhedge, has had a good year and offers you a bounty of goods worth £1 as a gift of good will. 
    ◆ A mercenary company of men-at-arms asks if they may settle on your lands for a while. For 4 years you have a sergeant, named Ren, and 50 men-at-arms for defense for just £2 each year.
    ◆ Good fortune! Your wife, whilst rifling through old documents, realizes your demesne should be larger. Earl Robert approves. Increase your manor assized value by £2.

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