Clarence Settlement in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil


The Duke of Clarence feuds continually with the Duke of Gloucester.   Player notes: Due to a few diplomatic incidents, Clarence is very weary of Salisbury   Red Banneret Clarence was once part of the Duchy of Glevum, ruled by the dominant Duke Eldol of Glevum with an iron fist. For reasons unknown the old Duke outlived many several generations of his own sons and fought in battles way into his hundredth year. After the Duke died his grandson and his grand grandson has begun feuding over the old title, both calling themselves Dukes or Bannerets. This has split the old duchy in twine, forming the counties Clarence and Glevum. His grandson Chaleins rules Clarence.   Duke Eldol was not only Duke of Glevum, but the informal head of the old Gewessi tribe. A union of many British tribes that spanned across several counties. He often spoke ill of how Vortigen portrayed his tribe.   The county is known for its hardy peasants and rainy environment, who tends to scoff at people complaining but simple problems like harsh lords and nasty knights.   Vassal to: -none-, King Uther (formely) Dominant lord: Lord Chaleins (The Red Banneret) Heir: -none- Political strength: Negligible (2) Military strength: Notable (3)   Regional trait: Regional passion: Hate Glevum


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