Coulston Manor Building / Landmark in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

Coulston Manor

Purpose / Function

The Manor House

Every manor has a manor house where the knight and his family reside. It is far superior to the hovels in which the peasants live and has many outbuildings. Normal cost includes whitewashed walls. The furnishings noted are minimal and required, but count as Treasure. Different types and styles of manor house exist. At the start, all beginning player knight manors are Simple Halls, unless otherwise determined by the Gamemaster. The annual cost includes maintaining it, but not improving it. Manor houses can be upgraded, at the costs shown, for improved Glory each year.


Simple Hall, Wood

This is one-story, built of wood, with a timber roof. Inside, it has a great hall, a solar for the privacy of the family, a kitchen, and the pantry and bottlery. Outside buildings house the storage rooms and servant quarters.
  • Cost to build: £13 + £2 Furnishings
  • Bath: £3
  • Annual Maintenance: The cost is subsumed into the general manor costs
  • Annual Glory: 0
  • Defense Value: 0
The manor house is surrounded by plowed fields, meadows (used for hay), pastures (used for grazing), and wastes (land not used for other purposes).
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Guest House
Manor house / Meeting hall
Ruling/Owning Rank


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