Gaining Glory for Land

To calculate the Glory for landholding, use these guidelines: Basic Glory for a landholding is equal to the number of Libra that the knight collects from harvest on an average year. Additional Glory from a holding is gained for Annual Income chartered into the holding. Thus if £2 income is delivered annually from a nearby town by its guildsmen, this is 2 additional Glory. When a manor is improved by its holder, the Glory it provides is raised too. So, improving your simple hall to be a large hall gets one additional Glory (See: “Manorial Buildings,” on pg. 25). Adding a large Kennel gets one more (See: “Enhancements,” on pg. 28). If these are destroyed, they do not generate Glory until they are replaced. Glory is gained for defensive works. Each fortification has an Annual Glory listed. (See “Fortifications,” on pg.27) Note that this has changed from previous editions. The amount of glory gained is no longer always equal to 1 glory per DV. Glory is gained for holdings that are held by the charter, even if they are subsequently subenfoeffed to another knight. Finally, remember that the amount of Glory that can be gained each year for landholding is limited to 100 points.


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