Goblin Species in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil


The term “goblin” is most often used generically to describe any creature of the Unseelie Court. However, goblins are also a specific breed of evil faerie. It is perhaps because they are the most populous of the Unseelie faeries that their breed’s name has become so commonplace. Goblins, like the other members of the Unseelie Court, are foul-tempered, thoroughly evil beings that relish death and destruction. They are perhaps 3 or 4 feet tall, with greenish or grayish skin, large bald heads, and large eyes. They fear cold iron, which is poison to them. Their hatred of humans and Seelie fuels their Unseelie powers. Glory Won 15; SIZ 6, DEX 30, STR 16, CON 20, APP 4; Move 7; Armor 4 (plus armor and shield worn, if any Unconscious 6; Major Wound 20; Knockdown 6; Hit Points 26. Healing Rate 4; Damage 4d6. Combat Skills: Bite 10, Throw Rock 15 (–2d6 against all but Seelie faeries). Significant Skills: Avoidance 30, Awareness 10, Faerie Sight 10. Significant Passions: Hate (Seelie faeries) 15, Hate (humans) 12, Fear (iron) 30. Valorous Modifier: +5. Faerie Powers: Glamour (minor illusion only) 15. Faerie Banes: Cold Iron (poison) 150. Variable Shape: Goblins vary quite a bit in shape and size. To personalize a goblin, roll on the following table: 2d6 Roll Feature Effect   2. 2 Stout, round belly CON +3 3. 3 Long, spindly legs Move +5 4. 4 Multifaceted, bulbous eyes Awareness +20 5. 5 Scaly skin Armor +2 6. 6 Runt SIZ –2, STR –2, DEX +4 7. 7 Brutish SIZ +4, STR +2 8. 8 Oversized jaws, with fangs Bite 15, Damage +2d6 9. 9 Mottled skin Change Self power 10. 10 Bat-like wings Fly at Move Rate 11. 11 Tail Tail Whip 10, –1d6 damage 12. 12 Roll Twice, ignoring as above contradictory entries


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