

Grapple is a Melee Tactic. Characters in Arthurian literature often throw down their weapons and grapple an opponent in dramatic fashion. This maneuver simulates such tactics. Grapple is normally used in armed combat, either when every other weapon is broken, or when stalemate has set in between two knights with excellent Combat Skills, and neither can easily hurt the other. Grappling is a risky but viable option in such instances.
  1. To grapple, the attacker must be disarmed, and pits his DEX against his opponents in an opposed roll. 
  2. If the grappler is successful, he may either:
  1. Throw his opponent down hard, to do 1d6 damage (no armor if the opponent was horsed, it is 2d6. Next round, start disengaged.
  2. Throw his opponent down and immobilize him by sitting on him. Next round, the winner may strip the opponent’s helmet off and demand surrender; release him; or keep holding him.
  3. Hold his opponent immobile, arms held to his sides, helpless to use any weapon.
In either of the last two cases where the loser is immobilized, the held character may in the next round attempt to break out with a STR versus STR roll, where a win indicates success, and a failure means it is impossible.   Armor has no effect on grappling. If both opponents are mounted or both afoot no modifiers apply, nor is there a modifier if one foe is mounted and another afoot—it is as hard to bend down as to reach up.   A dagger is the only weapon that can be used by a grappled person. He must have been armed with it before being grappled. The grappler continues to use his STR, his victim, the dagger.


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