How Much Hate? in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

How Much Hate?

New Passion: Hate (Landlord)

Commoners do the hard labor and heavy work, and the knight doesn’t, yet he gets food from them and a portion of their labor. Certainly, his duty includes risking his life to protect them, but this is an occasional danger, or one that occurs far away. The privileges he enjoys are in their faces every day, and he gets fed even if they are starving. There is a natural resentment they bear, quantified as Hate (landlord). On the Land Record Sheet is a scroll for the Hate (Landlord) value. It is a number which modifies the knight’s Concern (my commoners) passion roll. Any number higher than zero is bad for the knight.

Starting Value

If the new landholder is the son of the previous one, then family history affects Hate (landlord). The new Hate (landlord) is equal to ¼ Hate they previously held for the father. However, peasants give the benefit of the doubt to new landlords. Unless the new landlord has previous history with these commoners, the peasants always start with a fresh slate of Zero to their Hate (landlord). Foreign overlords are an exception (See: “Foreign Overlords”, next page).


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