King Cadwy Character in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

King Cadwy

King Cadwy is a living antique, ancient beyond memory, who came out of retirement when his father, Gwynn, was banished from his throne. Cadwy is not a knight, having come to this throne before Aurelius Ambrosius established knighthood. The king is almost never seen outside of his Castle of the Great Bridge, save for when he is hunting in one of his gloomy forests. He is not a knight, for he was king before knighthood was conceived. He recently fought off an invasion by King Uther which was barely successful, resulting only in price concessions for Summerland’s great mineral wealth. It is whispered that Uther fears King Cadwy.   Information CadwyBorn: ? Son number: ? Homeland: Summerland Culture: Cymric House: Summer Liege Lord: none Current Class: King Current Home: Castle of the Great Bridge, Bath   Other titles: Most of Summerland, notably Lord of Great Bridge Castle, Castle on the Heights, Wells, Bath, and the Forest of Glamour.   Appearance: Well-fed Personality: Enigmatic Distinctive features: Red skin   Known for: Lustful, Energetic, Generous, Honest, Proud, Worldly


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