Lady Rohese

Lady Rohese

Mother of Sir Philip Shiftly   She had a total of 7 children; 3 girls with you widowed husband; 4 with Sir Tericius

List of children

  1. half-sister (27) married-Lady Eleanora - Sir Christofur of Newton
  2. Half-sister (26) married-Lady Elyzabeth -Sir Wauter of Shrewton
  3. Half-sister (25) Widowed -Lady Ermina - (app 19) Heirloom — engraved ring, worth £2 -Love for arms (+10 Heraldry) She was married to a Laverstock.
Second Husband Sir Tericius heir and first and only son Sir Philip Shiftly   1. Sister (age 11) Emmota 2. Sister (age 9) Elewys 3. Sister (age 8) Edeline
Current Location
Year of Birth
439 AD 51 Years old


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