
Marlborough (sometimes called Marlboro) is a county located central Logres. It is between County of Salisbury , Silchester Duchy Silchester, CLARENCE County and Rydychan County , and includes the city of Wandborough, the castle of Marlboro, and the White Horse Hills.   Places of Interest
  • Marlborough Castle: This is fine castle is built atop a large ancient mound. Due to the many mystical and unexplained phenomenon that have happened in and around it over the years, many believe it to be the burial mound of an ancient wizard. It is about two days’ leisurely ride from Sarum.
  • Mildenhall: This unwalled city is the local market for the farms along the Kennet River, and is held by the castellan from Marlborough.
  • Savernak Forest: This border forest is within either or both of the lands of the Earl of Salisbury and the Baron of Marlborough and has been the cause of considerable dispute between those lords. No faeries have been reported here, though Countess Ellen claims privately to have once seen a unicorn there.
  • Wandborough: This unwalled city in the county of Marlboro is a stop on the Royal Road.
    People The Lord and his family
  • Lord Caenwyn
Notable Knights
  • Sir Thebert of Marlborough
Geopolitical, County / March
Alternative Names

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