PORTON House Building / Landmark in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil



Porton House

  • The Standard Manor (upgraded 487 to Great Hall 45 value) Annual Glory: 2 Defense Value: 2
  • Bath: £3 +1.5 (488 add) +1 glory ag
  • Fireplace and chimney: £2 +(£1) (488 add) +1 glory ag
  • Lead roof: £8 +£4 (+1 DV) * (488 add) +1 glory ag
  • Well, Enclosed: Villages and manors are always built near water, but a well close by is a luxury. It includes a low stone wall around its rim, a little roof, and a bucket on a rope. (488 add)
  • Cost to Build: £5 +(£2.5)
  • Reduce Hate (landlord): 1
Ornamental Garden (488 build) A patch of ground for growing flowers, bushes and trees simply for delight and pleasure, with no food or medicinal value. It may include topiary. This is at least 625 square yards (25×25 yards). Larger gardens are proportionally more expensive to set up and maintain.  
  • Cost: £1 to make +(£.5), £10 for imported flowers.
  • Annual Maintenance: £1, including the Florist. Gardener Diggin (19 age)
  • Annual Glory: 2 for imported.
  • Grants: Roll for Romance.
Logres, a land rich in rivers and alluvial valleys, is mostly populated with standard manors. The standard manor typically provides £4+1d6 of income, and contains the following: • a village with 400 commoners - (487 rolled 1d4*100)  a small church (£25) - Friar Bacon -
  • Annual Maintenance: Roman: none; British: £3
  • One-time Glory: British: equal to the amount donated
  • Annual Glory: British: equal to annual cost £3
  • British: Annual Roll for Love (God).
  • Annual Income: £1d6
Sanctuary Temple, Small (add 488) This is made of wood, and has a thatched roof, with an idol (classical or non-classical style), handsome decorations, and appropriate accoutrements. One priestess and an assistant tend to its care. A typical Mithraeum would be a Small Temple. Marta Sùdrach Priestess.
  • Cost: £25 minimum +(£12.5)
  • Annual Maintenance: £5
  • One-time Glory: equal to the cost to build (38 glory)
  • Annual Glory: equal to the annual cost £5
  • Grants: Check to Religion
  • a mill • a communal bakery • a pack of dogs (for herding and hunting) • a herd of about 20 horses • a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, a herd of pigs, a flock of chickens, a gaggle of geese and other animals (some owned by the manor, and many more owned by the peasants).
  • The manor house is surrounded by plowed fields, meadows (used for hay), pastures (used for grazing), and wastes (land not used for other purposes).
Winter phase 488:


  • Cost: £20 + 10 (multi build)
  • This is a place where anyone may go for free healing, curing or care. The building is often simple; the personnel are the main factor in the maintenance. Hospitals are usually commoners andwelcome a knight needing chirurgery will probably be attended by the chirurgeon at his bedside in the manor house, rather than having to share quarters in the hospital.
    • Annual Maintenance: £4, including the Chirurgeon and attendants.
    • Annual Glory: 4
    • Grants: Roll for Merciful
    Ditch & Rampart (built 488) 6-8-foot-deep dirt into a mound around the inside. If it is near to a stream or lake, the water can be diverted to make a moat. It is of a size to surround the hall, its courtyard and its buildings, and is large enough to protect all the manor’s people and some of their livestock. It requires 5 professional soldiers to lead the commoners in a defense sufficient to get advantage of the DV. Any fewer and the enemy will find a way to breach it.
    • Cost: £5 + £2+(£3.5) for a Moat.
    • Annual Maintenance: £½ + £½ for a Moat
    • Annual Glory: 1
    • Defense Value: 2 (4 for a Moat)
    Palisade (built 488) A palisade wall is made of logs upright in the ground, backed by dirt to make a rampart. It is about 15 feet tall and crenellated. It normally follows the line of a Ditch and Rampart and
    • Cost: £15 +£(7.5)
    • Annual Maintenance: £1
    • Annual Glory: 2
    • Defense Value: 2
    Tower, Stone (built 488) Stone towers are like wooden towers, except made of stone. They are normally square.
    • Cost: £50 +(£25)
    • Annual Maintenance: £1
    • Annual Glory: 5
    • Defense Value: 5


    1. Mounted Sergeant. A mounted soldier, armed as a knight but usually more lightly armored. Key Skills: Lance, Sword, Horsemanship. Cost: £3
    2. Sergeant. A foot soldier, armored. Key Skills: Spear, Sword. Cost: £2
    3. Man-at-Arms. A foot soldier, lightly armored. Key Skill: Spear. Cost: £1 (5 Soldier)
    4. Archer or Crossbowman. Missile troop, unarmored. Key Skill: Bow or Crossbow. Cost: £1 (5 Soldier)
    Total = £15     Secret Escape Tunnel Secret Escape Tunnel: £6 for each .25 mile Annual Maintenance: £2 for each .25 mile Annual Glory: None. It’s a secret! The secret tunnel doesn’t grant any bonus, Glory or income of any sort. It is useful only for roleplaying purposes. It could come into play when raiders destroy a manor, since the family and famuli will escape without adventure (probably bearing the best jewelry and silver).
    Manor house / Meeting hall
    Characters in Location


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