STAPLEFORD Manor- Stables

Stables are found at every manor. Horses are critical to the knight’s profession and status. Stables include the building to keep horses, a place for the stable master to live with his family, a granary to keep the fodder and oats, corral, etc., and also saddles, tack, and so on. In all cases the stable and its outbuildings are made of wood.    Cost to build: £5 Annual Maintenance: The cost is subsumed into the general manor costs Annual Glory: The glory gained is part of the 6 Glory for being a Landed Knight. Personnel: Stable master and family: Dywel Glascock (15 Horsemanship) and his wife Nona Glascock, 5 children as follows: Arfon (b25), Dylon (b20), Dona (g14), Lona (g11), Iwin (b5) His children all have a +10 Horsemanship.   Arfon Glascock is seeing a girl in the village named Anna Teague (23) - Her father is the gardener, Dewi Teague and his wife Saeth.  6 children.  oldest daughter is Anna. See Stapleford village.


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