The Spiders Attack

Four large spiders occupy this cham­ber, although they are difficult to see when hidden among their webs. PCs without illumination will not see the webs until they walk into one, at which time it may be too late. Large spiders (4): INT non; siz=8; DEX=12; Con=8; App=3; Str=8; MV 10; hp 16; attack 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1; SA Poison potency=10; SZ S; GLORY 18 ea;   These spiders have lived in the dungeon for years. Elzid once asked Zotzpox to get rid of them, but the imp never bothered. The spiders' webs do not burn very well, although fire will certainly singe them. Trapped in the webs near the ceiling are several dead rats and a healing potion with three doses =1d6. Attempting to burn the webs may cause the potion bottle to fall and shatter on the floor.


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