Tintagel Organization in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil


Tintagel is a county on the British mainland, belonging to the Kingdom of Cornwall. The Famous Duke Gorlois rules this county, given to him in perpetuity by Uther Pendragon is torn between dangerous creatures and the skilled army of Cornwall. The land was rather rich even though much of the land was rocky and wet but has taken some hard punches through several wars in the last decade.     The most famous location in the county is Castle Tintagel.   Military Power=1 -Most of their army is mercenary.  loyal to who pays the bill.  100 vet soldiers and 100 bowmen are loyal to Duke Gorlois.  Political Power=3 -Because the Duke of Cornwall is a constant threat, Duke Gorlois has the attention of Uther Pendragon King.
Geopolitical, County / March
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
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