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Children of Aphrodite, blessed with the essence of love's divine embrace, embody the delicate dance of passion and beauty. Their eyes sparkle with the allure of a thousand stars, reflecting the depths of their compassionate souls. Like petals kissed by dewdrops, they possess an ethereal grace that captivates hearts and stirs souls. Drawn to the symphony of emotions and the canvas of human connection, they find solace in the delicate threads that weave us together. Endowed with the power to awaken desire and kindle affection, they possess an intuition that unveils the hidden desires of others, like whispers carried by a gentle breeze. Born with an unwavering belief in the transformative power of love, they navigate the intricate landscape of relationships, guided by empathy and an understanding of the intricacies of the heart. Like the brushstrokes of an artist, they paint the world with love's hues, inspiring devotion and igniting passions long dormant. With their radiant presence, they remind us of the exquisite beauty found in every corner of existence, beckoning us to embrace the vulnerability of our hearts and to discover the profound connections that lie within. As children of the goddess of love, they are bearers of tenderness and guardians of affection, weaving love's tapestry into the fabric of our lives.  

Children of Aphrodite Traits

As a child of Aphrodite you have the following traits.   Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Ability Score Increase Your Charisma score is increased by 3.   Languages You can speak, read, and write your birth language and Ancient Greek.  
At first level, you gain the ability to channel your godly parent into your abilities. This ability is represented by Favor. At any level, you have a maximum Favor pool equal to your proficiency bonus. This pool replenishes when you finish a long rest or when your godly parent chooses to grant you additional Favor.  
Godly Ability
Starting at first level you gain an ability based on your godly parent. You gain new abilities at level 5, 9, and 13.
  • Aura of Love: Children of Aphrodite emanate an aura of love and compassion that can inspire those around them. Using an action, spend 2 Favor to project an aura of love that affects creatures within 10 feet of you. This aura lasts for one minute or until you decide to end it and requires concentration.   While the Aura of love is active, you and friendly creatures within your aura gain advantage on Charisma-based skill checks and saving throws. Additionally, any creatures that starts its turn within the aura or enters it for the first time on a turn must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes charmed by you for one minute.
  • Charmspeak: Children of Athena can unleash their captivating voice, imbued with enchanting power. Beginning at 5th level, you can use an action to target a single creature within 30 feet of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC.   On a failed save, the target becomes charmed by you. While charmed, the target willingly listens to your suggestions and considers you favorably. The charm effect ends if you or your allies hurt the charmed creature. This ability requires concentration.
  • Enthralling Melody: At 13th level, a child of Aphrodite learns to layer melodies into their speach. As an action, you can use 5 favor to release these melodies through the air, captivating the minds and hearts of those who hear it. All creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw.   On a failed save, the affected creatures are charmed by you for up to 1 minute. While charmed, the creatures regard you as a trusted friend and ally, accepting your suggestions and requests without suspicion or resistance. At the end of each of the charmed creatures turns, they can attempt a Wisdom saving throw, ending the charm effect on a success. If they succeed, they are immune to this ability for 24 hours. This ability requires concentration.
Gain proficiency in Persuasion and one of the following: Performance, Insight, Deception, Sleight of Hand  
Suggested Classes
Children of Aphrodite are excellent bards. While not being known for their musical talent necessarily, they are exceptional orators. They also, make quality charisma casters and can be sorcerers, warlocks, or even paladins should they wish to take up melee weapons. Though they would likely be too afraid of ruining their last manicure.

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