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Children of Athena, bearing the wisdom and strategic prowess of the goddess of wisdom, embody the intellectual brilliance and tactical acumen of their divine parent. With piercing eyes that hold the depths of knowledge and an aura of poised intellect, they exude an air of sharp wit and keen perception. Drawn to libraries and halls of learning, they find solace amidst the tomes of ancient wisdom and the exchange of insightful discourse. Endowed with a natural affinity for knowledge and strategy, they possess an innate understanding of complex systems and the ability to discern patterns and solutions where others see chaos. Their words carry the weight of sagacity, inspiring allies and disarming adversaries with the strength of their intellect. Born with a thirst for knowledge, they are scholars and strategists, their every action guided by careful analysis and forethought. Like Athena herself, they are paragons of reason and justice, wielding their intellectual might to unravel mysteries, mediate conflicts, and advocate for truth. As children of the goddess of wisdom, they bear the torch of enlightenment, enlightening others and guiding them towards a path of wisdom and rationality.  

Children of Athena Traits

As a child of Athena you have the following traits.   Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Ability Score Increase Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.   Languages You can speak, read, and write your birth language and Ancient Greek.  
At first level, you gain the ability to channel your godly parent into your abilities. This ability is represented by Favor. At any level, you have a maximum Favor pool equal to your proficiency bonus. This pool replenishes when you finish a long rest or when your godly parent chooses to grant you additional Favor.  
Godly Ability
Starting at first level you gain an ability based on your godly parent. You gain new abilities at level 5, 9, and 13.
  • Tactical Insight: As a child of Athena, you have a natural ability to think tactically and communicate them. You may use a bonus action and spend 1 Favor to assess the battlefield and share strategic insights with your allies. This grants advantage on the next attack roll or ability check made by you or a nearby ally within 30 feet of you.
  • Enhanced Analysis: At 5th level, you gain the ability to focus your analytical abilities on a specific enemy. As a bonus action, you may spend 3 Favor to gain insight into an enemy's vulnerabilities. For one minute, you may add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls against that enemy.
  • Battle Tactics: Beginning at 9th level, you learn to effectively rally your allies with inspiring words and strategic guidance. As an action, you may spend 4 Favor to rally your allies. Grant temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your spell casting modifier to yourself and allies within 30 ft. of you.
  • Athena's Wisdom: Upon reaching 13th level, you gain the ability to tap into the strategic wisdom of your divine parent. You may use an action and spend 5 Favor to activate Athena's Wisdom. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:
    • Lighting reflexes: You have advantage on initiative rolls.
    • Strategic precision: You may add your spell casting modifier to your attack rolls.
    • Defensive awareness: You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your proficiency bonus
Gain proficiency in Perception and one of the following: History, Insight, Survival, Investigation  
Suggested Classes
Children of Athena are excellent at pinpointing their opponents' weaknesses. They make great monks who can make many attacks and target the soft spots of enemies. They also, would be successful rangers or even rogues.

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