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Children of Dionysus, embraced by the wild revelry and untamed ecstasy of the god of wine, embody a vibrant spirit and unbridled passion. With eyes that sparkle with mirth and an infectious energy that radiates from their very core, they exude an air of unapologetic joy and captivating charisma. Drawn to vibrant festivals and spirited gatherings, they find solace amidst the whirlwind of celebration and uninhibited expression. Endowed with a natural gift for revelry, they possess an uncanny ability to ignite the flames of revelry within others, bringing forth laughter, dance, and a sense of liberation. Their laughter echoes through the night, infusing the air with an intoxicating enchantment that sets spirits free. Born with an insatiable appetite for life, they embrace the pleasures of the senses and the full spectrum of human emotions. Like Dionysus himself, they are conduits of liberation and transformation, encouraging others to shed societal constraints and embrace their authentic selves. With their magnetic presence, they inspire others to live passionately, to savor every moment, and to find beauty in the chaos of existence. As children of the god of ecstasy, they embody the transformative power of celebration, inviting others to immerse themselves in the vibrant tapestry of life and find liberation through uninhibited expression.  

Children of Dionysus Traits

As a child of Dionysus you have the following traits.   Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.   Languages You can speak, read, and write your birth language and Ancient Greek.  
At first level, you gain the ability to channel your godly parent into your abilities. This ability is represented by Favor. At any level, you have a maximum Favor pool equal to your proficiency bonus. This pool replenishes when you finish a long rest or when your godly parent chooses to grant you additional Favor.  
Godly Ability
Starting at first level you gain an ability based on your godly parent. You gain new abilities at level 5, 9, and 13.
  • Intoxicating Presence: As a child of Dionysus, you can tap into your inherent charm and charisma. As an action, you may spend 2 Favor to gain advantage on charisma-based skill checks for the next hour.
  • Vigorous Revelry: Your ability to invigorate and inspire your comrades grows. Starting at 5th level, as a bonus action, you may spend 3 Favor to activate Vigorous Revelry. For the next minute, all allies within 30 ft. of you gain an additional 10 feet of movement.
  • Inspiring Revelry: You improve your ability to inspire your allies with the power of revelry and celebration. As an action, you may spend 4 Favor to activate inspiring Revelry. You create an aura of euphoria within 30 ft. of yourself. Allies within the aura gain temporary hit points and advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened for the next minute. The temporary hitpoints equals your level + your spellcasting modifier.
  • Maddening Delirium: At 13th level you learn to tap into the chaotic essence of your divine parentage, unleashing a maddening delirium upon your enemies. As an action, you may spend 5 Favor to choose a creature within sight and within 60 ft. The target must make an intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes affected by the Maddening Delirium for up to 1 minute. This ability requires concentration.   While affected by the Maddening Delirium, the target's mind is overwhelmed by chaotic energies. The target's Intelligence and Charisma scores become 1, and they can't cast spells, activate magic items, understand languages, or communicate coherently. The target can, however, identify it's friends, follow them, and even protect them. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of it's turns, ending the effect on a success.
You have resistance to poison  
Gain proficiency one of the following: Performance, Persuasion, Insight, Nature  
Suggested Classes
Children of Dionysus can make solid charisma based casters such as sorcerers or warlocks. They also, can make good martial classes due to their high constitution.

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