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Children of Hephaestus are born of fire and iron, their essence infused with the spark of creation. These sturdy and industrious beings possess innate talent for craftsmanship and engineering. With skin that glistens like burnished bronze and hair like flames, they embody both strength and artistry. With keen intellect and unwavering determination, they channel their divine lineage into practical applications. Found in bustling workshops or at roaring forges, they shape metal with deft hands. Some of their creations, whether mighty weapons or intricate clockwork marvels, possess a touch of magic. With every forged masterpiece, they leave an indelible mark, weaving their ingenuity and metal into the tapestry of existence.  

Children of Hephaestus Traits

As a child of Hephaestus you have the following traits.   Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.   Languages You can speak, read, and write your birth language and Ancient Greek.  
At first level, you gain the ability to channel your godly parent into your abilities. This ability is represented by Favor. At any level, you have a maximum Favor pool equal to your proficiency bonus. This pool replenishes when you finish a long rest or when your godly parent chooses to grant you additional Favor.  
Godly Ability
Starting at first level you gain an ability based on your godly parent. You gain new abilities at level 5, 9, and 13.  
  • Reverse Engineer: You have a unique understanding of magical and nonmagical machinery. Using a bonus action, spend 1 Favor to gain complete understanding of a machine or mechanism that you are touching. This includes an understanding of whether a device utilizes magic and of how to activate or deactivate a device, machine, or mechanism.
  • Child of Flame: Children of Hephaestus have a natural resistance to fire damage. Starting at 5th level, gain resistance to fire damage. Additionally, using an action, you may spend 3 Favor to gain immunity to fire damage for 1 minute.
  • Infernal Blaze: At 9th level, you gain the ability to channel the flames of Hephaestus. Using an Action, you may spend 4 Favor to create a 15 ft. radius burst of intense flames centered on yourself. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. You are unaffected by this ability.
  • Wunderkind: As a child of Hephaestus, you have an uncanny ability to create and invent. Starting at 13th level, using an action, you may spend 5 Favor to recreate an object, device, machine, or mechanism that you have previously Reverse Engineered. In order to do this, you must have the required materials available. The time required is dependent on the item in question.
Gain proficiency in Investigation and one of the following: Arcana, History, Insight, Intimidation  
Suggested Classes
The innate passion for invention and tinkering that many children of Hephaestus poses make them ideal artificers. The hearty constitution afforded them by their father's time working the forge can make them suitable for most martial classes as well. For those who don't fancy themselves warriors or inventors, many children of Hephaestus find success as wizards and enjoy studying the arcane in their free time.

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