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Percy Jackson's Guide to Glory

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Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. And chances are, you didn't either.

Who would? Getting hounded by monsters before you even hit the real monster: puberty. Only getting attention from the gods when they want you to risk your life cleaning their magical staff, or pet-sitting their polecat, or- you get the idea.

But I'll be damed if I let the inconvenience of gods stop any of us.

My name is Percy Jackson. And a decade ago, I did the seemingly impossible for most demigods — I graduated high school. Alive. Ever since, I've dedicated my life to ensuring other half-bloods have a fighting chance at doing the same. Stick with me, kid, and I'll show you how to win enough favor with the Fates (and our tempermental godly relatives) to survive this world.

And if you don't, well. I got a buddy who can put in a good word for you in the Underworld.