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is an Inquisitive Technology Warrior who Fuses Flesh and Steel

Dvorak-46 (a.k.a. Dvorak, Dvorak Four Six)

Dvorak-46 is a tech-priest and researcher who just turned 95, and worries they haven't really done anything worthwhile with their youth.   Dvorak's books: 1) the Principia Mechanicum, 2) an unfinished and unpublished study of Necron Gauss technology that is assembled partly from Dvorak's own original research and partly of pages out of a singed journal left behind by a predecessor, and 3) a wildly inaccurate but very heretical contraband tract about old Terran scientific practices.   Dvorak doesn't need to worry about that last one being discovered by their superiors. They have lived their entire life on the Zar Quaesitor, Belisarius Cawl's Ark Mechanicus. They've never met the Archmagos Dominus or any of his high ranking priests, but they have lived and worked under his protection and away from Mars. The alignment is vaguely Euphrati-ish : pro-Emperor, anti-Imperial dogma, anti-Chaos, curious about xenos.   This is centuries before Cawl comes out of obscurity to try to save Cadia. Because of the secrecy surrounding the Archmagos' projects, the ship rarely visits normal inhabited worlds. Dvorak's entire community is the population of the Zar, hundreds and thousands of priests, servants and servitors.   (and thousands of experimental subjects and WIP primaris space marines, but Dvorak doesn't know about that)   Dvorak resents the Archmagos' ego and the abrupt decisions made that put the Zar's inhabitants in peril or prevent them from carrying out their own research or projects. Dvorak probably sometimes wishes they lived on a proper forge world where they could have some sort of stability, even though that would mean submitting to the Mechanicus' dogma   Dvorak is an ordained priest of the Omnissiah, but also culturally a member of the Mechanicus as a separate and parallel society to the Imperium of Mankind that's its own distinct dystopian theocracy? Dvorak would probably identify with Mars in particular because they are a servant of Cawl, who is from Mars and has lands and forges etc there.   Some reflections on Dvorak's beliefs, from P:   {Probably deep down a desperate hope and belief that their source universe is the 'correct' one and that they'll be able to return and use the power/artifacts accumulated in Bernville to attain status. The flip side of that is the fear that the values of the Cult are not actually universal and that it means nothing to declare oneself its most senior Magos if nobody else recognises that. Lonely, I suppose, wanting to speak to other Mechanicus.   I think there probably is an underlying very carefully suppressed dread from meeting and interacting with non-Mechanicus (and xenos!) for the first time and finding that they're actual competent people with interesting ideas. The only way to justify past actions is for the Cult dogma to be the only truth and the 40k universe to the the only real world, etc... In terms of atrocities and war and servitors etc Dvorak probably identified as being quite liberal and progressive, as a servant of Cawl, and is finding that way of seeing themself to be very challenged   Dvorak is obsessed with age/extending lifespan (because of being surrounded by Cawl and his clones/AIs/constructs) although they have had other things on their mind since coming to Bernville.   That their source universe is the 'correct' one, that the customs of the Cult Mechanicus are divinely sanctioned and can't be questioned on moral grounds, and that they'll be able to return and bring the knowledge/power/artifacts gathered in Perpetual Bernville back with them.}
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Cover image: Perfect Circle Header by Ché Wilbraham


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