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is an Impulsive-Mystical Stealth Adept who Conducts Weird Science


Some reflections on Iolo's beliefs, from J:   {At the core of Iolo's belief system is inherited reincarnation- his understanding of magic is from a book (he believes) his last reincarnation, his grandfather gave him.   He believes he is part of a long line of druids, which are essentially just the same people reincarnating each generation he doesn't really know why this is, but it seems important, and he feels like the centre of the universe as a result.   He assumes this extends to meeting the same people he met in previous incarnations – perhaps he’s different iterations of everyone before, as a previous iteration of himself.   Because he believes in the fates, he assumes he will just be reincarnated irrespective of what he does or how he behaves, so he holds little to no anxiety or weight on anything he approaches, essentially anything that threatened this cycle or his belief in it (especially as his grounding for understanding tries to be scientific, but consistently fails to arrive at anything solid).}
Iolo and Goblin Fixing a Clock Sketch by Phoebe Herring
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Cover image: Perfect Circle Header by Ché Wilbraham


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