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Stone Brazier

The stone brazier, referred to as <Error: Word Not Found> in High Arnan, is a large stone basin positioned in the center of the Consortium within the Spire.

It features prominently in artwork leftover from The Arnikari Empire and is still used today in multiple ceremonies important to the Mag'arna. As of the writing of this document, it is the only known iteration of it's kind, despite replication attempts by various Mag'arna throughout the centuries.
"31And at the end of their grueling climb they found themselves in a massive room impossibly open to the night sky above them. 32But it was a sky they had never seen, full of bright and burning stars not one of them had yet laid eyes on, and Ilenan knew it to be magic, for from their many observations of the exterior, he knew that the tower of stone extended yet further above them. 33But that was not the end of the wonders, for in the center of the room blazed a fire, bright and warm and crackling, as if inviting them closer."
— An Excerpt from The Reclamation


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The brazier is hip-height (80 cm), with a diameter roughly equivalent to the height of a man (180 cm) at the top. The exterior curves down to a diameter slightly smaller than two arm-lengths (121 cm) at the base. The stone is two hands thick (30 cm) and even, with a flattened and smooth surface on the exterior criss-crossed by lines of inlaid gold. The stone itself is dual toned, ranging from black to dark brown, and likely mined from the nearby Kilraxi Mountains.

The interior of the brazier has never been directly examined, due to the nature of the flame contained within. Since the Spire's reclamation by Archmagis Ilenan, the fire within the stone brazier has never gone out, despite a lack of identifiable fuel.

The fire contained within the stone brazier is, other than it's unnatural sustainability in the absence of fuel, normal. It produces smoke, which is funneled by the shape of the Consortium through concealed vents, and gives off perceptible warmth. The color is normally between a red and a bright yellow, and it reacts to substances as would be expected, rising higher and burning more brightly in response to fuels and dimming in response to suffocating substances. However, even if doused continuously with water, the flame returns to it's original intensity immediately once the pouring is stopped. Several experiements conducted by <Error: Name Not Found> show that whatever is fed to the fire is burned or evaporated, instead of simply ceasing to exist, which was the popular theory prior to his research.


The eternal flame contained within the brazier is viewed as symbolic of the enduring strength and passion of the Mag'arna. Interacting with the flame requires approval from the Archmagis' Court, and the penalty for doing so without permission is branding. It features prominently in the education of students within the Spire, who are frequently tasked with meditating on the flame and it's significance.

The brazier is also the center point of the Rite of Declaration, in which those hoping to join the ranks of the Mag'arna declare their intentions and may be accepted into a House.
The stone brazier, as depicted in one of the stained glass panes in the Spire.

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Cover image: by Taylor Wilcox


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