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Mental characteristics

Personal history

He grew up in the underdark. A few months ago, he was part of a party of 16 duergar that had ventured from an entrance of the underdark in the wastelands. They had been part of a scouting party that were periodically sent out to the overlands to see the status of the world. However, they discovered the riches that were available by attacking unsuspecting villages and passerbyers at night. Since then, they had remained mostly successful until they met the Ones.   The other 6 members of his scouting party were killed when they attacked the Ones. He was captured and knocked unconscious. After they persuaded him with some alcohol, he shared why he was here and the general location of the camp. Breeze gave him her vial of Malice and they let him go. He warned them not to travel too far into the forest to the north or risk running into their camp.   A few weeks later, Breeze left a basket of food and drinks in the forest for him.   Enjoying much more the food and drink he received from Bedroc Manor, while the Ones were gone, he allied himself with Timerity, helping protect the manor when danger grew too close.


Family Ties

The clan of duergar in the underdark

A duergar who the party captured, then released. He now helps look over Bedroc manor with Timerity and the Kobolds

Character Location
Current Location
Bedroc Manor
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Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Known Languages
Deep Speech Common (More or Less)

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