Diocese of Fen

A relatively recent upstart religious nation. It began when The first Fen Priest began preaching her message in a tundra cave near the Free City of Raven’s Rest 180 years ago. Not long after, Raven’s Rest declared war on its neighbors, conquering them with great ease, betraying over 8000 years of martial tradition by claiming dominion over other cities and their territory. Residents were given a choice: to convert or leave; many chose to convert. They had a clear target: the Free City of Fen’s Heart lying inside the Fen of Grey Eyes. In their efforts, they cut a bloody swathe across the continent. After the conquest of Fen’s Heart, the Fen were struck with a great zeal which they harnessed to gradually conquer the eastern and central sections of Pillarin over the last two centuries. They have even taken the eastern sections of the continent Plentius to the south; the sections being Lorthreten and the Hickerwick Wilds.   Very little is known about the religion itself, as it is kept secret from non-members. The city of Fen’s Heart acts as the new religious center of the faithful. People from all walks of life and race are accepted so long as they are willing to commit. No person has been able to infiltrate the religion because high ranking Fen Bishops are capable of discerning the intent of converts. It is clearly a form of magic, but no mages have been able to discern its nature.   Even though the Fen maintain a policy of technically open borders, it is still technically a hard border. Most avenues of entering the territory of the faithful are guarded. As such, it is very difficult to do reconnaissance on The Fen. Any people who enter the region are either expected to fully convert to The Fen and remain, or they are to consent to a magical memory erasure hex upon departing. Efforts to resist such spells has proven fruitless.
Founding Date
8867 FFC
Religious, Cult
The Fen
Leader Title


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