Runs on the Wind

Written by kad2ez

Runs on the Wind (a.k.a. Ser Belaya Grethelma, Depth, Walker, Rat Bastard, Oberjon Underjim, the Wind beneath your Purse)

Born as the sole survivor of the first litter born to Unknown parents, Runs on the Wind grew up with little interaction with others beyond his parents. They taught him to hunt, stalk prey, and most of all run which he excelled at and where his name originated. By the age of 6, Wind became the eldest sibling to a litter of 6 in 9027 and became an equal member in the hunting party and raising of his sibling. By High Tide of that year, Wind was the eldest remaining member of his family and spent all his time learning how to keep himself and his younger sibling alive, whether that meant hunting, stealing, or lying to get what they needed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wind stands roughly 6'5", with a build comprised primarily of functional muscles. While they do not consider themselve's strong by any means, they are agile and capable of using their muscles to handle the problems in front of them, be it hunting, fighting, or intimidation.

Body Features

Wind physically bears resembelance to a jaguar with spots of black and brown painting his body. Wind also has a number of scars on his back from past run ins with those who did not take kindly to his attempts to make off with their goods.

Facial Features

Wind has one large scar running from the front of their scalp down to their left cheek, and a small notch in their right ear, left there by a hunter of man who Wind had fought with.

Identifying Characteristics

As a Tabaxi out of the Hickerwick, Wind stands out on his own. But if someone were to meet Winds gaze, they would see a pair of striking purple eyes that were quite uncommon for a tabaxi

Runs on the Wind, born 11th of Blue Skies, 9021, is a Tabaxi Soulknife with a trove of secrets and a score to settle

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
11 Blue Skies
Purple, formerly black
Saffron with Black and Brown Spots
6ft 5in

17-18 Rekindling 9048

So Milos asked about Ophelia today. I should have kept my mouth shut, but he was so insistent that I felt trapped. Him and Dwaiyne have demonstrated little regard for others secrets so I'm sure this information will not stay that way for much longer. And then he had the audacity to say he was asking about relationship advice. My guy, you asked about it after we said that there were secrets the party did not know. He was prying and I let myself be baited in to it. Trust is a resource I simply can't afford to keep giving so freely.   In other news, Throden has shown a remarkable degree of empathy and understanding towards the party as a whole. I had previously said that maybe only Xilmoira and I should be talking to strangers, but Throden has a charm about her that just seems to disarm people, whether through genuine understanding or exasperation. Then again, the bees thing was not great. We should probably talk about inside magic vs. outside magic.   Also, who doesn't have curtains pre-installed on a carriage. Validation is buying me a new shirt.


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