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The Eerie Lake

Confined entirely in the Qh'énnish region is Loch Ghestrè (also truncated, Ghestrō /gʰɛʃtɹoː/), the largest inland sea on the continent of Gruthe. Also in southern Qh'énnshaiyn is the river that it feeds, and the free city both of which share its name. However, after the establishment of the Gh'ensroke, because of linguistic trends in Gh'ennish towards ellision—particularly of the particle "est"—by the late 5th century, the word ghestrè had become truncated to Gh'rè which lead to the change in all three names:   The Free City of Ghestrè became Gh'rè, the Free City (/gʁɛ̆/).
Taos Ghestrè—the giant river—became Gh'Taosrè /gʰətɑɔsɹɛ̆/
Loch Ghestrè became known as Gh'rō /gʁoː/ (or Loch Gh'rè).

Cover image: by 包德強


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