Ur-Void: the Uncarved Block Material in pèryl | World Anvil
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Ur-Void: the Uncarved Block

A metaphor used to describe the primal origin of all, and its infinite generative potentiality is called the Uncarved Block*. A slab of jade could be formed into anything under the hand of a talented artisan. The Ur-Void is like that slab in that it can produce anything. Arguably, whatever the jade is carved into is a pale limited form compared to the infinities of the other possible creations. This is the nature of the Void and its generative power.   "It is whence the Ur-Void comes all; it is thence to the Compleat-Void all will return."   Because the Void is the ultimate negation, it can only be described negatively, it simultaneously includes all possibilities. Ultimately, all creation is sourced from the primal void. Conjurers who create parabeings are summoning them from the void and giving form to voidstuff. Sentient parabeings often are repulsed and hate their existence because they have a semi-conscious memory of the infinite potentialities that they could have embodied, not whatever limited form their creator has thrust them into.   All magical and mystical powers are ultimately of the Void, and voidstuff made form. The power of various users of magic are merely divergent means to manipulate infinite potentiality. The source of divinity is also the Ur-Void. Wharrtaxxé-Annen, the primal goddess of time, is a manifestation of the Ur-Void trying to comprehend itself and what it means to exist. All creation subsequently is mere iterations of the primal thought made form of voidstuff.


Material Characteristics

The Ur-Void is without form and characteristics, however, because of this it has the potentiality to become everything.

Physical & Chemical Properties

None.   But potentiality to acquire any or all.

History & Usage


The history of the macroverse and the myriad folds of the Rift is that it all originated from a bubble of potentiality, a mote in the infinite Ur-Void.   The first formation was the goddess of time, Wharrtaxxé-Annen. She was the embodiment of the Question: What Does it Mean to Exist?   All of creation has taken of the Ur-Void, the Uncarved Block, and carved it into all the things within and of the Rift and its countless worlds.   When the Question is answered, all will succumb and return to the Compleat-Void at the end of time.   It is said that the being Ptazakae, the first scion of Annen, seeks to bring about the end so much sooner than awaiting the inevitable. Ptazakae reviles the carved nature of creation and longs for all to become pure. Such is Ptazakae's rage that he wishes not only to bring about the end, he wants all to suffer before that end.
*The term, "Uncarved Block," is ancient. It appears in Kaajhai, Arakhsh and Qhélssénnish, where it is rendered respectively: Pujh /pʰuʤʰ/ • u-uKhsh /uɁukʰʃ/ • & Puqh /pʰuqʰ/. The languages descended from Qhélssénnish roots, use variants of the latter (Rellian: puĝh /pʰuɣʰ/; Qh’énnish: pūqh /pjuːqʰ/; Gh’ennish bhuulk /bʰuːlk/).
All and none.
All and none.
All and none.

Cover image: The Lingam of Nanor by 包德強


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Aug 19, 2023 19:46 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

This article feels more like a divinity or myth than a power source, but it's interesting to read origin stories!

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at tlcassis.com to see my latest work!
Aug 19, 2023 20:05

Thank-you for the comment. I see your point.   However, the point that I perhaps failed to articulate, is that the Ur-Void is the source of all power (all everything really). Users of magic are, perhaps unaware, pulling from the Ur-Void when they manifest things seeming from nothing (in a real sense the are: the Ur-Void is the nothing of nothings and full of unlimited generative power). Perhaps on a later redraft it will be made clearer, or, alternately, your point will be made more.

Aug 23, 2023 21:03 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

You can change the template too - or just tie it back to your thought on power more closely. SC is about getting thoughts on paper (or rather electrons in file :-)) so I'd say you made a great start towards an interesting article.

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at tlcassis.com to see my latest work!