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Claimers - Stellararchs


  Claimers are the Stellararchs that scout new territories on the rugged Planet Earth. They are survivalists. Claimers study Earth survival and share survival arts among themselves. They consider themselves scouts, Earth scientists, and ‘cowboys’ of the Stellararch communities.  

The Job

Since the Stellararchs left Earth generations prior, they have slowly been creating exclusive ports and cruise line style vacation destinations on the planet. The Stellararchs call this process Reclaiming, to insinuate that it was theirs first. Claimers are expected to find the best lands left on the planet, and claim them for Stellararch use.    The few reliable and large posts on Earth that Stellararchs have already claimed are under very tight security. Outside the walls of these secure locations, it is uncertain how these Claimers will fare out in the wild.  

Claimers Survival Arts vs. Earthling Survival

Claimers pride themselves on their knowledge of how to survive Earth’s dangerous terrains. Claimers Survival Arts does not match with the Earthlings definition of survival. Survival on Earth for Claimers is temporary, they must do whatever it takes to get in and get out.   An exit strategy is always an integral part of their plan. If they need to abort a mission, they can explode everything in sight and take off for the moon.   Survival for Earthlings means continuous survival. They must be able to maintain and survive on the Planet as it is. There is no exit strategy, there is no way out for them. Earth is their home, whether they like it or not.  


It is an honorable position for Stellararchs to maintain. Their willingness to risk their lives to claim, or ‘reclaim’ as Stellararchs would word it, land on Earth is seen as a brave sacrifice. Their passion for extreme adventure is an attribute that others either envy or aspire to share.   However, Claimers are questionable characters. Oftentimes, even the Stellararchs recognize that Claimers can be narcissistic and cocky. Creatures of Earth who meet Claimers usually do not like them. They are a hot point of conflict between Earthlings and Stellararchs.
Research / Scientific

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