Orna Aredel

As beautiful as my home city is, I can't help but to be intrigued by what the wider world has to offer. Sure there's a good hunk of danger in the post Shatter world, but honestly, that just makes things more exciting if you ask me. What better way to get novel inspiration than to experience your own adventures first hand?
    Orna is a young adult gnome who was born and raised in the ancient city of Azarp. She is a new author who enjoys writing both cozy mysteries and adventure novels. The allure of exploration also calls to her and Orna follows it whenever able.    

Physical Appearance

  She stands around 3 and a half feet tall. Orna is fat with soft features and a round face. Her skin is white and covered in many freckles. She has light purple hair that forms large ringlets and reaches her shoulders.   Orna's eyes are round and pale green. She wears rectangular glasses with a pink plastic frame and thick lenses. There is faint scarring around her upper lip from surgery to repair a cleft pallet as a baby.    


  Extroverted and friendly, Orna loves meeting new people. She is patient with others, but can grow frustrated and impatient about things in her own life. Orna usually does not let this show in front of others.   She is a thrill seeker who loves visiting new places and learning about other cultures. Very little frightens her, although her bravery has led to the occasional dangerous situation.  


  • Steamy romance novels
  • Sweet tea
  • Doves and pigeons
  • Strawberry pie
  • Dislikes

  • Long waiting times
  • Bananas
  • Information paywalls
  • Math

    Early Life

      Orna was born to two gnome mothers. She is the middle child with an older brother and a younger sibling. Her family lived in a three bedroom apartment across the street from a library. She spent most of her free time either there or exploring parts of the city.   Her other favorite areas were museums, family run restaurants, and the lake. Once a month her mothers gave her a small allowance to use at any of the local shops. Orna enjoyed perusing wares from around the world.    


      After getting a literature degree, Orna took her writing hobby to the next level. She wanted both novel inspiration and to satiate her hunger to learn of the world beyond the city. While waiting to publish her first book, Orna worked as a clerk at the library.   While saving money to travel abroad, Orna started small with her travels. She took many hikes through the surrounding forests. When able she'd venture out to nearby settlements; these trips were usually short and lasted a few days at most.   After several years of saving and successfully publishing her first book, her sights expanded even further. Orna would then start to expand her adventures to towns even further and eventually started visiting other islands.
    Cis Female
    She / Her
    Current Location


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    Aug 15, 2023 22:45 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

    Intriguing article. I like the readable font size/format and the use of the sticky sidebar! Thanks for entering the category. :D Much success with the writing! <3