Elvish scouts

Isolation has brought significant advantages to Elves, but to maximize those benefits they have required to develop and train an elite special corp called Scout or Azure Berets. In simple words, they are the spies of elvish kingdom and with their operate grant a constant flux of notions and informations that to Elves that would otherwise screened from the rest of the world.



Since they are a highly trained and selected troop, the individuals belonging to this unit are limited in number. In the most difficult historic periods they have reached the five-hundred operative members, at the present moment they are about three hundred and fifty. There are also about fifty recruits in training, that will step-in as reserves in case of dire need.


Basic equipment of a scout varies significantly according to each individual skills. Although, since the basic training comprises fighting techniques, furtiveness and magical mastery, nearly every agent will have a favourite weapon, climbing and lockpicking tools, a travel spellbook with the material components required during their mission. A typical infiltrate equipment will also include make-up and other object to dissimulate themselves. The top ranks often possess some magic object that alters their physical appearance or that can prevent the detection of illusions and alterations spell. For obvious reason scouts don't have a field uniform but they receive a parade uniform to use during public events in their homeland; it comprises light chinos, a simple shirt, a light blue trench coat closed by metallic warrior's knots and an azure beret with a silver lightning. The parade shoes are light moccasins. The colour of the trench coat and beret reflects the rank, the lighter the tone the lower the rank, and the same for the warrior's knot complexity and materials.


Similarly to most elves the scouts' favourite weapons are often elvish longswords and longbows, occasionally altered to appear as something else. However according to training and individual experience some of them may prefer to carry less traditional weapons.


Usually scouts will move with vehicles that will allow them to blend in, therefore often the would use horses or small wagons, and more generally any common and incospicuous transport. However some of them chooses to hide in plain sight using something ostentatious, that in any case will have to fit completely in the surroundings.


The ranking structure of the scouts is a pyramid and their commander in chief is the Kalás, role presently filled by Sythirian Valdernest, also known with his battle name of Colonel Nemo. The second highest rank comprises five Polyárk that can command up to one hundred agents each, even if since they are beyond enemy lines units their hierarchic role is more subtle and stands for a recognition of the valor and experience of the soldier. They refer directly to up to twenty-five Oligárk, whom are the direct referent for up to twenty recruits or reserves. The lowest officer rank is the Taxyárk, that are the referents for up to ten recruits or reserves.


Having to accomplish covert-ops, every scout has to be able to dissimulate and amalgamate in his operative reality. Sometimes they are required to remain on the field with no operative tasks for a very long time; in other situations, especially for the most experts of them, this luxury cannot be provided. In any case, the scout to fulfill his tasks being smarter than most and anticipating the moves of the people around him more often than by using his martial skills.


Working beyond the enemy lines, even if often without them realizing it, expose to enormous risk the scout if he gets discovered and captured. For this reason only the best ones can become operational agents. Training lasts no less than twenty years that for an elf are only a small fraction of his life, but that would look like an eternity to shorter-lived creatures. It takes into account the natural predispositions of the trainee to focus on the characterial aspects that can be harnessed to develop one or more alter-egos to be used in different scenarios. Furthermore, it takes care to enhance guile and nimbleness to make sure that the scout could always take care of himself. If an alter-ego gets burned, if the scout survives, get recalled to homeland to develop a new alter-ego. Further retraining is required, now and then, to prevent elvish longevity from arousing suspicion.


Logistical Support

Scouts work more often alone or in small units, when this is necessary to make their role more believable. Logistical support is obviousbly extremely limited, therefore beside some form of coded written order it not possible to receive other support without risking to blow the covert. The highest rank officers are clearly aware of every operational agent in a certain are and help each other avoiding to arouse suspicion. In rare cases, it is required to sacrifice a role in order to protect a solid position in a geographic area, when it occurs they try hard to grant the safety of the discovered agent.


In extreme situations, the scouts are granted permission to take the lead of all the other units of elvish army, to coordinate the defences. However this could occur only, and excusively, if the elvish kingdom would be under attack and Mythal so far has granted suffcient protection to the woodland kingdom.


Elvish scouts have being foundamental to keep intelligence flowing from other nations to the woodland kingdom. However, as a consequence of the psychological detachment due to have to remain "in character" for months and sometimes years, often scouts don't live elvish traditions in the same way as the other elves. This social detachment caused some reserves toward this military unit, especially by the nobles. Although celebrated for their successes, rarely members of the azure berets will mingle with other elves in celebrations or social events.
Covert Ops
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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