Bishop Smedley

Smedley is an elf, but his buff build and muscled frame suggest some unusual racial ancestry. He became a cleric priest of Gwaeron Windstrom and is a powerful divine magic user. He doesn't use his first name, prefering to be known by the title Bishop.
Bishop Smedley is open minded when it comes to races and the potential of individuals beyond what is expected of a particular race, gender etc. He has taken custody of a crippled young orc called Awn, which is generally pronounced Owen by those around him. He is using regeneration magic to slowly fix Awn's withered arm and eye. Awn himself is not yet aware of this.
Smedley was instrumental in organising a preemptive strike against a cult of Yurtrus planning to attack Triboar at Midsummer. He was as careful as possible about halting and purifying the diseased matter from the orc-bombs, but he is concerned that some diseases and curse may have spread from the location before they arrived. He is also very concerned about one of the clerics that took part, a human who took off before Smedley could ensure she was completely free of Yurtrus' 'blessings'.

Buff Elf cleric of Gwaeron Windstrom

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