Tharg Who is Wise

Tharg Who is Wise

Tharg is a Half-Orc and an Uthgardt barbarian of the Thunderbeast tribe. He grew up as a member of a nomadic clan that journeyed as far east as the High forest. He apprenticed as a Moon druid.   Tharg set out on a personal quest to travel, learn, eat and cook the best food of the land. When he left, he was asked by his tribe to search for a juvenile thunderbeast (brontosaurus) who had left the secret herds in the High Forest and was seen headed west, toward the Neverwinter Wood area.   After navigating starmetal hills, Tharg travelled west down the Triboar Trail and ended up in Phandalin, where he met new companions, the Elf Cleric Herdyr, and the Human Rogue Anathema. They agreed to look at jobs together to make some coin, and are currently adventuring as 'Tharg's party' in and around Phandalin.  


Tharg gathered purple mushrooms from near Gnomengarde and brewed his own Mushroom Wine. Later, he provided this to be sold in the Stonehill Inn, and with it's success, he then agreed to hand over the business to Tolben Stonehill and the Gnomes of Gnomengarde, who used his likeness for it's branding.   He helped befriend three Worgs who currently live on the outskirts of Phandalin, and has a particularly good friendship with Smiles, who often accompanies him on adventures.   He has recently discovered that he was rescued as a baby from a Talosian cult of half-orcs, although he may still have blood ties to the Thunderbeast tribe. A Talos follower called Moesko arranged for half-orc babies to be stolen or created, and then raised the surviving children as fervent Anchorites. One of the rituals Moesko used involved leaving the babies out in a furious storm, weeding out those who would be too weak to survive service to Talos. Tharg has met and fought several of his would-be brothers and sisters, including Yargath, Flenz and Narux, who were performing profane storm rituals at the Circle of Thunder, and Grannoc, the mad arcanist with a passion for animate plants.   After Tharg's Party cleared the Circle of Thunder of Anchorite influence, Tharg recieved a dream- vision from an Ancestor spirit of the Thunderbeast tribe, Grawn who Walks Loudly. He warned Tharg that Moesko is at the lighthouse known as the Tower of Storms on the coast between Neverwinter and Leilon.   Tharg's Party also found and rescued the juvenile brontosaurus, who had been drawn to the area by a hidden source of nature magic. For convenience, they named the creature 'Steve'. The power that drew Steve to Neverwinter Wood seems to have a connection to the ancient elven ruins that Herdyr was searching for, and the ruined wizard's Manse that Grannoc was using as a base.   Tharg is looking to take part in the Triboar's midsummer Hunt-n-Eat competition.
Chaotic Good